When I escaped from the rest of my classmates, I sat on a bench in the cafeteria. Suddenly Adam was standing in front of me. He asked: 'Can I sit next to you?' 'Why would you want to sit next to me?' I asked since I was used to eating alone. He said: 'I don't know, you look like a nice person. And since I don't know anyone else...' 'Ok' I said. I opened my lunchbox and started eating my sandwich with ham, lettuce and some tomatoes. Alex took his lunchbox out of his bag and started eating his sandwich as well - a sandwich with ham, lettuce and tomatoes. :|
I thought it was kind of creepy. First, he was staring at me this morning. Second, he sat next to me in class. And third, he ate exactly the same sandwich as me. But well, maybe it was all just a coincidence. The rest of the day I hung around with Adam, maybe he wasn't so bad as I thought. We sat next to each other every lesson, since we always had the same class, and the only free spot was always next to me, unfortunately.
Adam didn't really hang out with the rest of the class, which I thought was a bit strange, but whatever. After our 6th period - Maths, I put some books in my locker, put on my jacket, and walked to the stands were my bike was. I took my bike out of the stands, took my iPod so that I could listen to music and started riding back to my house, before my stepmother became mad at me again. So I was riding back home when suddenly Adam was riding next to me. I was frightened to death, since I didn't notice him riding next to me because of my music. I almost fell off my bike, but Adam quickly grabbed the steering-wheel of my bike. I quickly grabbed my steering-wheel and calmed down. 'Thanks' I said to Adam. 'No problem' he said. But then suddenly I wondered what was he doing here, since I'm living in the suburb (rand van de stad), and almost nobody else of my school lived there...
'Why are you riding here as well?' I asked. 'What do you mean?' He said. 'Well, almost nobody lives here, so I'm wondering why you're riding here. I mean, I thought you lived in the city.' I said. 'My parents don't like the city that much, so we live in the suburb.' He said.
You've got to be kidding me, he can't be serious. Does that mean I have to ride home together with him every day... When I finally was in the street of my house, I asked him: 'Do you have to ride far from here?' 'No, he said, this is the street where I live.' ^.^
Wait, did he just said that he lived here, in this street! This can't be true, it's like a nightmare. 'Which number?' I asked. '25.' he said.
I think this really is a dream. I pinched myself, but I didn't wake up. Crap, this isn't a dream. But this means.....that he lives right next to me :|

Reageer (2)

  • SuperrCarrot

    but that's nice!!
    wrom vind ze dat zo erg???
    na ja
    ik lees maar weer verder :P


    1 decennium geleden
  • BaraKarth

    OMG Adem is egt een stalker. hij is egt wel eng en creepy maar ik vind dat hij haar witte paard isxD en je mag weer verder gaan schrijven. ik voel me wel heel vereerd dat je dit stukje speciaal voor mij hebt geschreven:P
    weetje... ik vindd dat Adam tog wel een beetje te creepy isxD dus mag er een andere stalker bijkomenxD

    1 decennium geleden

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