Foto bij Chapter 27

I forgot I hadn’t brought any swimwear. But Jared had a pair for me that Megan kept here and he reassured me she wouldn’t mind. I changed in the spare room and when I was done Jared was waiting in the hallway. It was the first time I’d ever seen him without shirt and it struck me for a second how muscular he was.

We went downstairs and as soon as he opened the door to the back porch, he sprinted towards the pool. He jumped into the air, tucked in his knees and as he hit the water, he sent it flying all over the place. It hit me and I squeeled but then burst into laughter. He came up again and laughed at me.
‘’Sorry!’’ he grinned. I gave him a look.
‘’You wait.’’ I muttered unable for him to hear. I started sprinting and did the same. The water splashed and pretty much the whole back porch was soaked, even though mine was less impressive than Jared’s. When I came above water, Jared was nowhere to be seen and I new he was playing me. I scanned the pool but couldn’t see him anywhere. Suddenly I felt two strong arms grab me from behind and I screamed. I heard him laugh out loud.
‘’You got me, darn it.’’ I laughed. Jared spinned me around and started kissing me. His hands gliding along my back and my hands in his hair. His hands moved down and held my thighs. His body felt warm in the cold water. The sun still shined and made the water around us glinster. I wrapped my legs around his waist and his hands held me up. I opened my eyes for a second and that was all it took to see Catherine standing at the window, looking at us. I pulled away and unwrapped my legs from his waist. He looked at me with a puzzled face as I started swimming towards the inflatable mattress. I pushed myself out of the water and sat on the mattress. Jared had seen what had caused my reaction and he swam over to me. He rested his elbows and his head on the mattress, then he sighed.
"You don't have to worry about my mom, Em."
"I'm sure she isn't happy with what she saw."
He was silent.
"Just give her some time. She isn't such a horrible person." he smiled. I forced myself to smile back.
"I know she isn't but maybe she should get used to me first. She doesn't know me that long."
He nodded and disappeared under the surface of water. I climbed further onto the mattress and glanced down into the water, trying to spot him. Suddenly, the mattress tumbled over and I splashed into the water. I came above water, disoriënted. I saw Jared swimming towards me, laughing.
"That wasn't very nice." I teased.
"I had to get you back into the water somehow." He smiled as he tried to kiss me again. I let out a small scream and backed away, laughing. He swam after me but I reached the steps just in time. I laughed down at him.
"Darn it." he smiled.

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