Het slaat nergens op; maar is wel grappig (:

Er kunnen engelse spelfouten inzitten!

Scene 1:

Voice of Bella: I've never given much thought how I would die. But dying in a place for someone I love seems like a good way to go. Hé, I'm over here (look to another tree)

After my mums tree was replaced, I was going to my dad in Forks. I met new people, like Jessica, Mike and Angela. I met Edward as well... (By Jessica, Mike and Angela look to trees)

Scene 2:

(You see a biker, riding to Bella's tree. It's going to hit her. Edward runs to it and pushes it away with his hand.)

Voice of Bella: What did you do?
Edward: What do you mean?
Voice of Bella: You pushed the bike away, with your hand..!
Edward: Is that so amazing? You hit your head very hard!
Voice of Bella: I know what I saw.
Edward: And what exactly was that?
Voice of Bella: You were nowhere near me! You stood by you car, across the road!
Edward: No, I wasn't. I was standing next to you, Bella. Can't you just thank me and get over with it?
Voice of Bella: Thank you.

Scene 3:

Voice of Bella: You're impossably fast, and strong. Your skin is palewhite and icecold. Your eyes change colour, and sometimes you speak like you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything, you don't go into the sunlight. How old are you?

Edward: Seventeen
Voice of Bella: How long have you been seventeen?
Edward: A while.
Voice of Bella: I know what you are.
Edward: Say it - Out loud. Say it!
Voice of Bella: Vampire.
Edward: Are you afraid?
Voice of Bella: No.

Voice of Bella: That night, I was thinking. About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him, and I didn't know how dominant that part might be, that thirsted for my wood. And third, I was irrevocably and unconditionally in love with him.

Scene 4:

(Edward is standing with Bella with an axe (bijl))

Edward: I've killed people before. I wanted to kill you.

(He raise the axe)

Edward: I may never lose control with you!

(He drops the axe and hugs Bella)

Edward: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Voice of Bella: What a stupid lamb
Edward: What a sick, masochistic lion.

Scene 5:

Voice of Bella: Since when do vampires love baseball?
Edward: Well, there's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play.

(You see the Cullen family play baseball. James, Victoria and Laurent are coming.)

Laurent: Hello, I'm Laurent, and this is Victoria, and James.
Carlisle: I'm Carlisle and this is my family.
Laurent: Can you use three more players?
Carlisle: I don't know.
James: Hey, nice tree. I could make a beautiful table of her.
Edward: Stay away from her. This is my tree!
James: You brought a snack.
Laurent: I can see the game is over. We'll go now.
Edward: We have to protect Bella!
Rosalie: Why? What is she to me? It's just a tree!
Carlisle: Rosalie, Bella is with Edward now. She's part of this family, and we protect our family.

Scene 6:

(Everyone is standing around Bella. Then James comes. He holds a part of a tree in his hand (Bella's mother))

James: Let me through, I've got her mother!
Voice of Bella: Mom!

(They let him through. James bites Bella and she begins to sparkle. Edward is running to them and fights with James)

James: You're alone, because you're faster than the others, but not stronger!
Edward: I'm strong enough to kill you! Grrrr..!

(They fight. Then James falls over Bella and Alice, Jasper and Emmett kill him. Edward suckes the sparkles away. Bella is a tree again.)

Voice of Bella: I want to be just like you!
Edward: You dream about being a monster?
Voice of Bella: No, I dream about being with you forever! <3


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