Foto bij Chapter 24

I woke up the next morning to a bright room. I was confused at first cause this was not the room I fell asleep in. It was Jared's. I glanced to my side, but he was nowhere to be seen. I heard a soft melody spreading the room, never realizing it was a piano. I glanced over to the other side and saw Jared sitting behind the piano, oblivious to the fact that I was watching him.

I slightly started to move my limbs, afraid it would start hurting again. But it wasn't serious and the pain was almost gone. Jared had heard me and came over to the side of the bed. I layed my head on the pillow and turned my face to him.
"Goodmorning. How you feeling?" he asked.
"I'm fine." I smiled.
"I should probably give your mom a call-"
"No. You don't have to tell her, Jared."
He sighed and looked at me. This was something between us, and the rest of his family. But I would feel embaressed to tell my mom. And there were still many questions I had for him. I hadn't have time to ask, as I was exhausted. I asked him about Jeff, where he was. He explained that he was been kept at the police station until they had more information. And also that the victim had to decide what would happen to him. I quickly explained that it wasn't his fault at all and he should be free of all charges. After I'd talked about it with Jared, he finally gave in. I felt relieved after talking about it with Jared and at about twelve o'clock we went downstairs. I was anxious about how they would react towards me, poor Megan. It seemed almost as if the house were empty as we made our way to the diningroom to have breakfast. Jared held me close to his body and it felt as if nothing could ever hurt me again. As we entered the diningroom I saw John and Catherine sitting at the table eating scrambled eggs and toast. As we entered they turned towards us. It seemed as if they were at a loss for words.
"Where's Megan?" Jared then asked. It was John who answered after a while:
"She's at the police station with Jeff. You should probably give her a call. I'll make some breakfast for Emmelie."
Jared motioned me to sit at the table.
"Be right back." he whispered. I sat at the table with Catherine. John was in the kitchen grabbing something for me to eat. After sitting in silence for a while, Catherine asked me how I was feeling. I mumbled I was fine and thanked her for asking. The silence after that was awkward and I was glad to see John appear again with a plate of food for me. As I saw the food I realized how hungry I actually was.
"Here you go." he said with a smile as he placed it infront of me. "You must be hungry."
"Thank you." I said before I started cutting my bacon. After I half finished my plate, Jared came through the door again. He smiled as he saw me.
"Here Jared, have something to eat." Catherine insisted. But Jared shook his head.
"No, I'll be fine, thanks mom."
"You should eat something, Jared."
"I said I was fine, mom." he snapped and after that it was silent. After I'd finished, I thanked them for breakfast and me and Jared went upstairs.

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