The birth of each child is miraculous to their own mother. So was the birth of Henrik Mikaelson. Henrik hadn’t been the first child of his mother, Esther Mikaelson. He had six older siblings, one unknown to him. The first years of his life were full of happiness, exploring and learning. He grew up as each normal village boy in the tenth century did. He enjoyed playing hide and seek with his siblings, watching Finn and Elijah practice their first swordplay and gazing at the clouds with Rebekah.

When he got older, he began to see and experience the less wonderful things about the village and his family. He noticed his father being quite abusive, especially towards his brother Niklaus. Feeling heartbroken as his favourite pig got slaughtered and was afterwards eaten by him and his family. Especially in those moments, his siblings were the ones looking after for him.

As he grew, his relationship with his siblings grew closer. Rebekah was the one who would embrace him if something went wrong. And Niklaus protected him if one of the older village boys picked on him again. Although, nothing worse had happened yet. When he entered his teenage years, his interests started to change. He couldn’t enjoy himself anymore with playing various sorts of games the whole day. He started to get more reckless. It wasn’t unusual if he got caught stealing something out of someone’s garden. Although, when the people who found out complained to his parents, he could expect some beatings. But compared to his older sibling Niklaus, it was nothing more than a fair punishment.

Getting more interested in things meant he also developed an interest for the beasts his brother enjoyed talking about. They called them ‘werewolves’, a species their mother had warned them various times about. Humans that had gotten the curse of the moon would change into beasts during a full moon. Beasts would murder, eat and devour their victims… Henrik couldn’t get enough of the stories Niklaus would tell him, mostly to scare him.

One day, Henrik had trouble sleeping. His siblings and he all slept in the same room, because of the lack of space. Mostly he just listened to Elijah’s soft snores, or Kol, who often talked in his sleep. But this time, he noticed something unusual. Niklaus silently got fully dressed, like he would if he went on a hunt. He saw his brother getting ready and leaving on his toes. Henrik got interested in what he was doing, so he decided to follow his brother in his nightly wear. A glimpse at the full moon, and Henrik knew what his brother would do. He would go and watch the beasts transform. Henrik couldn’t do more than follow his brother, until he was clumsy enough to trip over a branch. His brother noticed something behind him, and saw his younger brother there. Henrik couldn’t do more than beg his brother to take him. Eventually Niklaus agreed, and they continued on their way to the wolves. A silent walk for about two miles brought them to an open valley. In the distance he saw different wolf-like creatures. Absorbed in thoughts, Niklaus pulled him down behind some of the bushes.

At first, Henrik enjoyed the fear and his heart beating fast. Although, the beasts didn’t do more than walk around and groom themselves, like normal animals would do. He started to get quite bored, and because of that he didn’t watch out for making any noise. “Nik, shall we go-“ Henrik paused when he saw the wolves’ ears perk up. The next minutes went by in fear and running. Niklaus grabbed Henrik’s arm and ran with him into the forest. Henrik heard the paws of the wolves coming on the ground behind him. His legs ran as fast as he could, and they were getting a pretty good escape change. Until Henrik tripped over the same branch as before, causing him to fall to the ground. He felt himself scream in fear, looking into his brother’s eyes, who had climbed a tree for safety. Dozens of werewolves’ teeth were planted inside different limbs of him. Seconds later it all went black. The life of a reckless boy had ended, and his soul left his body.

He expected death to be a wonderful place. Full of various foods and friendly ghosts. Hoping to meet his loved ones as soon as they died as well. Although, it was by far not like that. He was put into a world, now known as the Other Side. A place without anything, just the endless forests and your own thoughts.

At first, Henrik was enjoying the peace and silence. But after a couple of days he felt the dire need for social contact, and someone who would listen to him. He felt lonely, not understanding what this place was. This wasn’t the heaven they had described, nor hell. This was… Nothing.

As the years went by, Henrik started to create his own routine. Making up different persons, pretending to have whole conversations with each other, and imagining how his life could’ve turned out… These were his main things to do. He also began to understand himself more, thinking about why he did things and why everyone did them.

The first couple of decades weren’t that bad. Although, when one century of loneliness had passed by, Henrik began to feel anger burning inside him. Why had he been such an idiotic boy as to go against his parents’ regulations, when would this end, and what would come after this? They were all questions, but there was no one to answer them.

Centuries passed by, Henrik changing day by day. He began to create a temper, getting angry at himself easily. Imagining himself alive made him angry, although knowing he would be here forever made him angry too. Trying to kill himself again didn’t work. He just ended up in the forests again… Nothing would change, and he had to learn to accept that.

The 21st century arrived, a century which would have a huge impact on his live. It started with wind coming to the Other Side, with much more other effects. The Other Side began to collapse slowly, although Henrik wouldn’t have to go through that. A spell was made by his unknown sister Freya to resurrect his brother Finn. Although, she didn’t know she was resurrecting all dead Mikaelson siblings with that spell. And that was how life got granted to Henrik again.

The next couple of days were fearful for him. He met his siblings again, saw new technology, and mourned his parents who had vaguely died. At least, that was what he was told. But he enjoyed living again, and slowly got used to everything. He was back, back to the living.

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