Foto bij Chapter 23

I sat there with Jared for a while. My head lying on his soft, warm chest. I had closed my eyes, needing some peace in my head. I was pretty tired at this point, but the last thing I wanted now, was sleep. I still heard the people in the hallway, talking. I couldn’t make out what they were talking about but I could hear the anger in their voices.

I could also hear someone cry and I could guess who that was. Megan was probably very depressed at this point and I felt so sorry for her. I had an undeniable and horrible feeling this was all my fault. Suddenly I heard a hard bang against the wall and I startled. Jared gently held my face in his hands and layed my head on the pillow. Now I heard people yelling at one another and it sounded like there was some kind of fight going on. I wanted to stand up, to check it out, but then I felt the pain run through my body again. I flinched and Jared motioned for me to lie down again. He pulled the covers over my body and stalked towards the door. As he opened it I could just about catch a glimpse of what was happening at the hallway. As Jared saw it, he quickly closed the door, blocking my view. I saw Jeff and I could tell he was angry. John was trying to keep him steady but it didn’t seem to work. I heard more people yelling and someone running down the stairs. I waited for what seemed like an hour, until I heard the sirens, as I expected I would hear. I closed my eyes again, wishing this had never happened. Mostly I felt sorry for Megan.. She had found the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with and I just hope she can see that it was an accident. I could hear all different voices at once and I just tried to block them away. The event had removed from the hallway and as I could hear, it was now downstairs. I could hear someone make there way up the stairs and as he opened the door, I saw it was Jared. He came over to me with a small reassuring smile on his face. I forced myself to smile back at him. He kneeled down beside the bed and looked at me. I wanted to ask him what was going on but before I could, he sighed.
‘’I’m sorry.’’ He started. I wanted to stop him before he continued apologizing, it wasn’t his fault.
‘’I should’ve driven you home tonight. This wouldn’t have happened. I’m so sorry.’’ He softly stroked my cheek.
‘’You don’t have to apologize. It wasn’t your fault, or Jeff’s. He just –‘’ I started but he gently cut me off.
‘’He maybe had a bit too much to drink. But after his actions, we had to call the police, so they took him away. I won’t let anyone do anything to you like this again, I promise. And I’m sorry I didn’t stop it this time.’’
‘’It wasn’t your fault, Jared.’’ I said. He was silent for a moment, looking down. But my eyes never left his face. He looked so beautiful, but stressed at the same time. He didn’t say anything.
‘’How’s Megan? Is she okay?’’ I asked.
‘’Well.. she’s very upset of course.’’ He answered, looking at me now.
‘’You should tell her it wasn’t Jeff’s fault. This isn’t a reason for their relationship to end, tell her that.’’ I said. After a while he nodded and we sat in silence for a moment. I realized he was still on the floor, so I moved up a spot and then motioned him to come lie next to me. He hesitated for a while but then stood up and did as I said.

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