Funny how insects swarm the most prominent of smells. Not even holding in regards what risks the journey towards it might have in store, occupied, brainwashed with the controlling thought on heading for what illuminates the surrounding grey areas. Information is taken for granted, as well as common sense and pity for the feelings, thoughts and needs of others racing down the same withered paths. Popularity amuses me, purely due to it gracing me with an unholy view on the beast-like nature of our competitors aka fellow human beings. Abandon valuable life lessons taught as a child, brought to you with the loving wisdom of an overly protective mother figure. Words no longer hold meaning to guide, only used and reached for to cause damage. Throw your daggers, lets see how many lines you can create on those squirming canvases. One line is rather dull, isn't it? 5 maybe, perhaps an even number will grant you the satisfaction your existence lacked for all of those dragging years.

You remind me of cockroaches fending off the unnecessary particles of our universe, only put there to be picked at. Hidden in the darkest corners of our wretched society, nearly indestructible, leaving stains on the surface when they're crushed under weight. Let me recap how much I care about the rules keeping chaos under control, written in watery lines of dripping blood. Burgundy strokes applied to worn and deteriorated pages, guarded by false prophecies, hidden from the searching eyes in hopes of a timely rescue. Turn off the lights, light some candles, truth covered in darkness shall seize to exist, as the lines of reality begin to blur. Fasten your seat belts, safety is their promise, our fates are decided regardless of your futile attempts. Destined to die, lets harm the weak and defenceless, lets strengthen the strong ruling with an adamantium fist.

Radiation is breathed in much like air used to, hide your shame. Shadows stalk us as we walk, accompany us as we attempt to flee, overshadow us as we come to a sudden halt. Count the lines on your forgotten canvas and remember what it is that motivated you to continue this pitiful and laughable facade. The sun continuously begs me to participate in her tedious games of hide and seek, I ignore her warmth wrapping itself around my bare skin. What's the point when she has only one place to hide? Warmth or cold, make up your damned mind, will you not? Cast your spells on the population, another rainy day locking us in place, forced to plant our roots inside the cellar we call home. Umbrellas populate the streets, why must you ruin my blank line of sight with your responsibilities compelling you to move?

Shades of green soaked, water particles glued to their leaves, shivering in the world's ice cold grasp. Funny how leaves cover the concrete, piling up as time goes on, never once breaking their recycling structure of repetitive behavior. With each passing season, the only difference is found within their color. Vibrant greens, lively browns, uplifting yellows, mesmerizing reds .. Stomp on them, make them crumble under the weight and break into a thousand pieces. No life shall be given, life may only be taken.

Funny how insects swarm the most prominent of smells. Not even holding in regards what risks the journey towards it might have in store, occupied, brainwashed with the controlling thought on heading for what illuminates the surrounding grey areas. Information taken for granted, as well as common sense and pity for the feelings, thoughts and needs of others racing down the same withered paths. One line is rather dull, isn't it? 5 maybe, perhaps even an even number will grant you with the satisfaction your existence lacked for all of those dragging years. Throw your daggers, lets see how many lines you can create on those squirming canvases. Popularity amuses me, purely due to it gracing me with an unholy view on the beast-like nature of our competitors aka fellow human beings. Words no longer hold meaning to guide, only used and reached for to cause damage. Abandon valuable life lessons taught as a child, brought to you with the loving wisdom of an overly protective mother figure.

Destined to die, lets harm the weak and defenceless, lets strengthen the strong ruling with an adamantium fist. You remind me of cockroaches fending off the unnecessary particles of our universe, only put there to be picked at. Fasten your seat belts, safety is their promise, our fates are decided regardless of your futile attempts. Hidden in the darkest corners of our wretched society, nearly indestructible, leaving stains on the surface when they're crushed under the weight. Turn off the lights, light some candles, truth covered in darkness shall seize to exist, as the lines of reality begin to blur. Let me recap how much I care about the rules keeping chaos under control, written in watery lines of dripping blood. Burgundy strokes applied to worn and deteriorated pages, guarded by false prophecies, hidden from the searching eyes in hope of a timely rescue.

Umbrellas populate the streets, why must you ruin my blank line of sight with your responsibilities compelling you to move? Radiation is breathed in much like air used to, hide your shame. Cast your spells on the population, another rainy day locking us in place, forced to plant our roots inside the cellar we call home. Shadows stalk us as we walk, accompany us as we attempt to flee, overshadow us as we come to a sudden halt. Warmth or cold, make up your damned mind, will you not? Count the lines on your forgotten canvas and remember what it is that motivated you to continue this pitiful and laughable facade. What's the point when she has only one place to hide? The sun continuously begs me to participate in her tedious games of hide and seek, I ignore her warmth wrapping itself around my bare skin.

No life shall be given, life may only be taken. Shades of green soaked, water particles glued to their leaves, shivering in the world's ice cold grasp. Stomp on them, make them crumble under the weight and break into a thousand pieces. Funny how leaves cover the concrete, piling up as time goes on, never once breaking their recycling structure of repetitive behavior. Vibrant greens, lively browns, uplifting yellows, mesmerizing reds .. With each passing season, the only difference is found within their color.

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