Foto bij 14-05-'16 × 7 days to go

7 days to go × WIY

Deze story is niet geschikt voor alle leeftijden. Daarom is deze alleen te lezen als je bent ingelogd. Zo houden we leuk voor alle bezoekers.

Reageer (5)

  • chanyeoI

    Zo, ik heb hem toch maar uitgeschreven, want het bleef een beetje door mijn hoofd spoken. Bovendien, beter laat dan nooit (;
    Mocht je het nog lezen, heel veel plezier vanavond!

    “Where are you now?”
    “At the airport.”
    He could hear her laughing. “I already knew that, idiot. I meant which part of the airport.”
    “Terminal or gate, I still don't know the difference,” he replied. “I'm waiting for Luke, he's getting food somewhere and he said he'd get me some too.”
    “From us two, you are the one that uses the plane the most. How come you don’t know which part is called the terminal and which one the gate? The terminal is the part with the shops, the gate is the part where you sit and wait before you get on the plane.”
    Calum vaguely mumbled something about a gate. She probably wouldn't be able to understand it, but that didn’t matter. “Anyway, you'll pick me up tonight, right?” he asked.
    “Sure I will. I have missed you for long enough, it doesn't have to be any longer,” she said. “All I need to know is when the plane lands.”
    “I'm not sure. I'll ask Ashton, wait a second.” He elbowed Ashton. “What time does our plane land?”
    Ashton looked up from his phone. “The flight lasts seven hours.”
    Calum pressed his phone against his ear again. “He says it's a seven hour flight, so around 11.30pm.”
    “Okay," she replied. "In that case, I'll be there at midnight.”
    They talked a bit more. It was just small talk, but they both enjoyed it, listening to each other’s voices. It didn’t last very long though, a female voice announced through the speakers that all passengers had to go boarding.
    “Hey, I'm going to hang up, okay? We’re about to go on the plane,” Calum said.
    “That’s okay, I'll meet you at midnight.”
    “Midnight it is,” he agreed. “And you know I love you, right? Just in case the plane crashes.”
    He knew that she’d frown now. “Don’t say such awful things-”
    “Calm down,” he cut her off, laughing a bit. “I know it won’t, I just want you to know that I love you.”
    “I love you too. Now get on that plane, we don’t want you to miss it, don’t we?”
    “No, we don’t. See you at midnight!”
    “See you tonight.” Then she ended the call. He put his phone and his pocket and followed Michael toward the plane, knowing he would see her within eight hours.

    As soon as they left the plane, Calum set his phone back to normal and texted her to let her know that they landed. They were waiting for their luggage to arrive when his phone rang. “Hey,” he greeted her.
    “Hi Cal,” she said. “I’m going to get straight to the point. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to pick you up at midnight.”
    He was surprised to hear this. “Oh?”
    She sighed deeply. “I know I’m an idiot. I fell asleep and I only just woke up. I’m really sorry. If I leave know I’ll be there at one o’clock.”
    He couldn’t help it and started laughing. “How come these things only happen to you?”
    “I don’t know, but I’m really sorry. I’ll grab my keys and then I’ll leave, okay?”
    “You don’t have to,” he began. “I can probably ride with one of the others or I’ll catch a taxi or something.”
    “Are you sure? I don’t mind-”
    “I’m sure,” he interrupted her calmly. “It’s fine. It’s also nice to come home to a house where the lights are on and it’s warm.”
    “I’m really sorry.”
    “It’s okay. I’ll meet you one hour after midnight,” he said, referring to what she had said before he got on the plane.”

    Calum took his bag out of the trunk and Luke closed it. “Thanks for the ride.”
    “No problem,” Luke replied quickly. “Sleep well tonight.”
    Calum grinned. “Won’t be a problem. Good night, Luke.”
    Luke nodded and got back in the car. Calum watched it drive out of the street and then walked up to his - their - front door. He was about to knock when the door opened and she came out running to hug him. She squeezed him tightly. “God, I missed you so much.”
    “I missed you too.”

    8 jaar geleden
  • awsten

    Lichtjes geïnspireerd op Paper Town, erg sloppy & kort, een vreemd einde maar oké hahaha, het begon goed, en toen ging het ergens in het midden mis ?? anyway, enjoy? :')

    vAshton and Margo had been neighbors for a very long time. As kids, they drove through the neighborhood with their bikes, laughing and joking around. They would run around in their gardens, make up their own little clubs and build camps out of old blankets.
    But as they grew older, Margo became a bit of a … Rebel you could say. She sneaked out on a regular basis, and she wasn’t that good at it. She got caught multiple times, so that her parents had to ground her a lot of times.
    Her and Ashton had found something to still see each other. Their bedrooms were right next to each other, so at midnight, they’d both sit into their window stills, and talk until the early morning.
    They would throw this little ball around from one window to the other, just to keep their hands busy.
    Margo could talk to Ashton about everything. He was the first to know about Margo’s new boyfriend, that made Ashton a bit jealous but he tried to hide it as good as he could, and he was the first to know about her first kiss, the discussions with her girl best friend, her nights out, her drunken mistakes, everything.
    But, at the age of seventeen, something changed.
    Margo wouldn’t sit into her window at midnight, leaving Ashton all by himself.
    After a while he gave up too, but even though he wouldn’t speak to Margo anymore, every night at midnight, he woke up and quickly glanced through his window, hoping to see Margo sitting there.
    He always was disappointed.
    Ashton had his own life now, went on tour with his band and best friends, slowly starting to forget about Margo. However, she always was at the back of his mind, imagining how it would be if she was in the crowd, or right next to him.
    But, when one of the rare moments came along where Ashton had a break from touring and was able to go home, Margo felt like something had gone wrong.
    She actually missed Ashton, longed to talk to him, and knew she had made a mistake when she shut him out.
    It was because her feeling for him got out of hand. She actually saw herself married to him, building a future with him, and it scared her.
    So, at midnight, she sat into her window still, and looked with eager at Ashton’s window.
    She waited for a few minutes, but nobody showed up. Why would he? Margo sighed, and went back to bed. But when she was about to tug herself back in, a soft ‘tud’ was heard against her window. She frowned and got up, opening up her window, only to see Ashton standing right underneath it, a goofy smile on his face.
    ‘Care to join me for a midnight walk?’

    8 jaar geleden
  • chanyeoI

    Oeh, leuk (:
    Ik heb al wel een vaag idee, ik weet alleen nog niet of ik vandaag/morgen de tijd heb om het uit te schrijven bc exams :/

    Mijn weekend is wel een soort van oké. Vandaag familiebarbecue gehad (maar wij gingen al vrij vroeg weg) en verder vooral leren... ik ben zo moe.

    8 jaar geleden
  • Culloden

    Haha, ik ben ook nog steeds pissed van Eurosong. Achja.

    Ik ga hier vandaag eens over nadenken en hopen dat er mij iets te binnen schiet. And can I say: Ashton and that hat... Not really my thing.

    8 jaar geleden
  • awsten

    Ik ga morgen of zo schrijven, ben pissed af bc eurovision :') en ik ben ook moe hahaha

    8 jaar geleden

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