Foto bij 02-05-'16 × 19 days to go

19 days to go × WIY

Deze story is niet geschikt voor alle leeftijden. Daarom is deze alleen te lezen als je bent ingelogd. Zo houden we leuk voor alle bezoekers.

Reageer (7)

  • awsten

    Hier is 'ie dan toch nog hahahaha
    Mijn WIY die ik eigenlijk al een tijdje geleden had geschreven c:. Maar ik mocht 'm eigenlijk niet delen of zo idek, want het is voor een project van Fanflicks but anyway idek of dat nog doorgaat hahaha, dus hierbij mijn WIY, geïnspireerd door vijf verschillende liedjes c:. En ook eens voor de verandering in het Nederlands, wat voor mij toch een uitdaging was :'). Hope you like it! c:

    - On top of the world | Michael Clifford
    De wind waait door je haren, waardoor je zicht belemmerd word, en suist in je oren, maar het maakt je allemaal niets uit. Het geeft je net een geweldig gevoel, een gevoel van vrijheid.
    Michael en jij hebben deze trip al maandenlang gepland, en eindelijk zijn jullie onderweg. Een roadtrip doorheen heel Australië, enkel jullie tweetjes en de auto.
    De muziek speelt luid door de luidsprekers, terwijl jullie over de zo goed als verlaten autoweg rijden. Michael zijn vinger tikt op het ritme van de muziek tegen het stuur aan, en zijn hoofd beweegt ook mee terwijl hij af en toe enkele zinnen luidkeels over de muziek heen meezingt, wat jou aan het lachen maakt.
    Wanneer hij jou lach hoort, kijkt hij even opzij, een grijns om zijn lippen en kijkt dan weer terug voor zich uit om de weg in de gaten te houden.
    Je neemt zijn hand die op de versnellingspook rust vast, en verstrengelt jouw vingers met de zijne.
    ‘Zullen we hier ergens stoppen?’ vraagt Michael na een tijdje, wanneer jullie een motel zien opdoemen aan de zijkant van de weg.
    ‘Ja, is goed. Ik zie het niet echt zitten om nog een nacht in de auto door te brengen,’ zeg je lachend, denkend aan hoe jullie de nacht ervoor samen onder een dekentje hadden gelegen op de achterbank, onder een heldere sterrenhemel aan de kant van de weg. Het was erg prachtig geweest, maar ook erg koud. Beide hadden niet verwacht dat de woestijn zo koud zou worden ’s nachts. Maar ondanks dat, was het één van de prachtigste plekken om wakker te worden. De zon was langzaam langs de horizon omhoog gekropen, om zo de meest prachtige tinten rood en roze te werpen op de rest van de nog semi-donkere hemel.
    Michael rijd de auto op de parking van het motel, en beide stappen jullie uit. Je rekt jezelf even uit, aangezien je toch al een tijdje in de auto zit. Zodra je je omdraait, staat Michael vlak voor je neus, een speelse glimlach om zijn lippen.
    ‘Ik ben zo blij dat ik dit samen met jou doe,’ zegt hij zacht, en legt zijn handen op je heupen, om je net iets dichter naar hem toe te trekken. Hij glimlacht weer en drukt dan kort zijn lippen op de jouwe.
    ‘Ik kan me ook geen betere reispartner indenken,’ beken je. ‘buiten misschien Zac Efron. Of één van de Franco broers. Of … -‘
    ‘Oké, ik snap het,’ lacht Michael, die duidelijk je mopje door heeft, en je nog snel een kusje geeft. ‘Ik zal de kamer even regelen, wacht jij hier?’ Je knikt en met nog een laatste kus op je voorhoofd, gaat Michael richting het lichte roze gebouw waar een houten bordje met ‘receptie’ op boven de deur is getimmerd.
    Glimlachend leun je tegen de auto en kijkt richting het westen, waar de zon al langzaam verder naar beneden zakt.
    Als je verder omhoog kijkt, merk je dat de maan al vaag te zien is, klaar om zijn plekje in de hemel op te eisen.
    ‘Onze kamer is binnen een kwartiertje klaar.’ Je kijkt achterom en ziet dat Michael weer terug is, en hij nu zijn jeansvestje weer heeft aangetrokken. Nu pas merk je dat de temperatuur inderdaad erg gedaald is, en een rilling gaat door je lichaam. Natuurlijk merkt Michael dit meteen, en duikt hij zowat de auto in om je vest te nemen en deze vervolgens om je lichaam heen te slaan.
    ‘Dankjewel,’ glimlach je en drukt snel een kus op zijn wang, waarna je de vest stevig om je lichaam wikkelt. Michael legt zijn armen nog om je heen, en leunt ook tegen de achterkant van de auto aan. Beide staren jullie naar de zon die langzaam wegzakt achter de bergen ver weg in de woestijn.
    ‘Weetje,’ begint Michael dan plots, ‘als ik bij jou ben, voel ik me echt onoverwinnelijk, alsof ik de hele wereld aankan, zolang jij maar aan mijn zijde bent.’
    Je begint lichtjes te blozen, en kijkt voorzichtig op naar Michael. Hij kijkt je al aan, met een blik vol bewondering. De zonsondergang werpt al enkele schaduwen op zijn gezicht, waardoor zijn ogen nog beter uitkomen en nog intenser lijken. Nooit heb je echt gesnapt waar zijn bewondering voor je vandaan komt, zeker nu één van de prachtigste dingen op aarde vlak voor zijn neus gebeurd, en toch heeft hij enkel oog voor jou en werpt hij geen blik op de ondergaande zon.
    ‘Samen zullen we de wereld best wel aankunnen, geloof ik,’ zeg je dan, maar het komt er slechts uit als een fluistering.
    ‘Daar ben ik zeker van,’ zegt Michael, ook fluisterend, terug en trekt je nog wat dichter tegen hem aan. ‘Samen kunnen we alles aan.’

    Inspiratie :
    Rules – Nat & Alex Wolff
    Just Can’t Get Enough – Depeche Mode
    I Believe In A Thing Called Love – The Darkness
    Everybody Wants To Rule The World – Tears For Fears
    Gone – Ziggy Alberts

    8 jaar geleden
  • Culloden

    Oké, de mijne is met vertraging ook eindelijk af! (:
    Gebaseerd op dit liedje: [x]

    Hopelijk vinden jullie het iets! (:

    ‘You’re in love with her, aren’t you?’

          Oh how many times he lied whilst answering that stupid question. Of course he was in love with her. He had been since the first time he laid eyes on her six years ago. At the time he was just a goofy fourteen year-old, trying to impress every girl that walked past him. That’s all they did though, walk past him. Not one of them cared to actually talk to him. That was until he met Lena.

          During those six years of knowing each other, they became fast friends. They probably knew everything about one another. Except for that one little thing: He loved her. It was as if his whole universe was spinning around her. Nothing else was as important as she was. The sun to which he kept being drawn to. Her smile was like a spell, capturing him and keeping him locked up. He didn’t want to break free from her though. Not even when it hurt as much as it did.


          His chocolate coloured eyes stared at the dancing flames. For once, he answered the question truthfully, too tired to make up a lie again. The person sitting next to him didn’t even try to hide his smirk. As if he had been waiting for that specific answer. ‘What?’ He arched his brow and looked at the other boy as if he were crazy. ‘Nothing. It’s just the first time that you don’t deny it.’

          That was true. He never told anyone about his feelings, not even his bandmates. He tried to push them away, to get over her. Every time he thought he had succeeded, she was right there, luring him back in. It was just impossible to escape from her.

          ‘Why don’t you just tell her?’

          As if it were that easy. If it was, he would’ve done it by now. But he couldn’t. ‘I can’t,’ he answered. The sadness in his voice didn’t go unnoticed by the other boy. ‘Oh come one, you two are made for each other.’ If that wasn’t the biggest cliché ever… But the thing was that he literally felt like that. As if he was meant to love her, to devote his life to her. It sounded really stupid but it was a feeling he couldn’t shake off.

          ‘She’s with someone else.’

    ‘Cal, can we go home now? I’m really tired…’

          Calum almost immediately reacted to the soft voice that filled his ears. She always sounded like the simple melody of one of his songs. Something he could never get tired of. But it hurt. It hurt so much to know that all he was meant to do was love her while she was with someone else. Al he wanted was to be able to call her his.

          ‘Yeah of course. Let’s go.’ They said their goodbyes to their friends and then left the bonfire behind them. Soon enough, her fingers tangled up with his. To her the gesture probably didn’t mean much more than just friendship. To him it meant so much more.

          ‘I had fun tonight.’

          He forced himself to show a tight smile. His lips barely moving up to show the familiar curve. ‘I’m glad to hear that.’ That wasn’t even a lie. He loved it when she was happy and smiley. It was the best version of her that he could get.

          ‘Hey Lena? You know I love you right?’ The girl moved closer to him, trying to capture the warmth his body possessed. Almost automatically, he slung his arm around her shoulders. They walked slowly towards his car, away from the beach. He’d promised her to drive her home.

          ‘Yeah,’ she hummed quietly. She loved it when he said those words to her. Even more than when her boyfriend said them. Maybe she was just to blind to see the signs, to see what was right under her nose.

          ‘I love you too Calum.’ And right there, he was hooked again. All the feelings he so desperately tried to push away washed over him like a maverick. They kept coming back, no matter how hard he tried to numb himself into feeling nothing. But he knew that her words didn’t mean as much as his own.

          Yet, he kept falling.


          Because he was meant to love and adore her.

          It was all that he had and all that he was.

    8 jaar geleden
  • chanyeoI

    Ik vond het wel een uitdaging. Ook leuk om te doen trouwens. Nu ik dit gezegd heb, voel ik me een beetje sadistisch.
    Oh, en in case iemand er nog geïnteresseerd in is, ik heb dit nummer gebruikt/gekozen.

    The doctors hadn’t allowed him to stay the night in her hospital room. He had sneaked into her room when they weren’t there and he had told her he loved her. She had said it back. He had said she couldn’t say her final goodbye tonight and that she couldn’t leave him forever. He had held her hand when she fell asleep. Then a nurse came in and said that she was sorry, but he had to stay outside. He had left the room and sat on one of the uncomfortable wooden chairs a few meters away from the room. He had finally fallen asleep, when someone woke him up. “What is it?” he asked sleepily.
    It was the friendly nurse that had been there at night. She asked him to come with him to the room. Michael had known it was wrong. It had even felt wrong. When he entered the room, the doctors didn’t even need to say it. When he saw his girl lying there, connected to all the machines that didn’t beep like they used to, like they were supposed to, his heart broke and he started crying. The doctors said they were sorry, but saying they were sorry, wouldn’t bring her back. The friendly nurse asked him if she could do anything for him, but he couldn’t answer.

    When he had arrived home, half a day later, his friends had been there. They had forced him to eat something, even though he hadn’t wanted to. He had been angry and gone outside, his friends following him cautiously. He had kicked against pile of firewood. The pile had fallen apart and his foot hurt, but he hadn’t felt it. He had only felt anger, towards everything. The stupid cancer. The doctors that hadn’t been able to heal her. The god or whatever thing that was up there and had decided her time had come. Himself, for not being there to hold her at that moment.
    "It's so unfair!" he had yelled. "She should have lived a long life with a happy ending. She didn’t deserve this! She didn't deserve any of this shit!” He had kicked against a tree trunk and it did hurt this time. He had sunk to his knees and started crying. Again. His friends had immediately rushed towards him.
    “It’s so unfair,” he had sobbed.
    Ashton had helped him stand up and nodded. “We know.”
    “She’s with the angels now,” Luke had whispered, “all we can do is pray that she’s happy now. Hope she found what she was looking for.”

    It had been at least six months and Michael still had random moments where he burst out into tears. Tonight was one of those moments. He had tried holding back the tears, but it didn’t work and he let go. Calum had been there with him and he let Michael cry on his shoulder. “It’s okay,” he said while patting his back. "You know how they say that brightest stars burn the fastest, right? She was a very bright star, lighting up everything and everyone around her."
    "I know. I just miss her so much," Michael sobbed. "I want to let go of the heartache, but I'm afraid I'll forget her. And I don't want to let her go, I don't want to forget about us."
    "You don't have to forget about her. Remember the good times," Calum said.
    "I try to, but it hurts. It still hurts. It still feels like someone snapped my heart in two and tries to strangle it," Michael said, wiping his eyes.
    Calum smiled sadly. "That's because it was real." He sighed. "It's a beautiful pain."

    8 jaar geleden
  • Culloden

    Ik ga hier morgen nog eens naar kijken! (:

    8 jaar geleden
  • chanyeoI

    Ik weet wel een nummer, maar het is kinda really sad and I kinda don't really wanna write it but on the other hand I also really want to.

    8 jaar geleden

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