Foto bij 23-04-'16 × 28 days to go

28 days to go × WIY

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  • chanyeoI

    Ik was vergeten dat ik nog een verjaardag had, vandaar dat hij een beetje laat is... Anyway, I enjoyed writing this, hope you enjoy reading (;

    In her mind, Luke was blue.
    When she had met him, it was greyish blue. It was raining like the next flood was about to start and the two of them had both run into a small cafe. She had wanted to order a cup of tea when she found out she had forgotten her wallet. Luckily, there was a tall boy standing behind her who offered to pay. He took the money out of his blue wallet. She promised she'd pay him back someday.

    That day came. It was a little less greyish blue. The sky looked like it was about to start raining when they met again in same the little cafe. The cups in which their drinks were served, had been blue. Luke had given her his phone number afterwards because he had to leave early but he really wanted to see her again.

    Their proper first date had been blue. It was after a few coffee-and-tea meetings, when Luke had finally found the guts to ask her out. They had been to an aquarium, so everything had been blue, naturally. Both had enjoyed looking at the fish, but mostly each other’s presence. Luke had kissed her, standing in a tunnel, surrounded by beautiful coloured tropical fish.

    The first I love you had been blue. Luke had worn a blue shirt. She had blue nail polish and blue jeans.

    The first time Luke had left for half a year for his work, she had felt blue. So had been the second time. And the third. And all the following times.

    After being together for two years, she realised that Luke came with blue. Always. She pointed it out to him. He had smiled at her and none of them ever mentioned it again, but special things were always blue. When they started living together, their kitchen and bedroom had a blue wall. The front door was blue. They had blue cups and even named their grey cat bleu.

    When Luke thought of proposing to her, he also wanted it to be blue. The ring wasn’t blue. Neither was its box. He decided on blue flowers and then remembered something he had read once. He bought white roses and put them into cups of water with blue ink, so the roses would turn blue.
    At the time he wanted to ask her, he stood in the kitchen while wearing a blue shirt and holding the blue roses. He was afraid he was overdoing the blue, but realised it was too late to change when she came into the room. She was surprised to see him standing there with a bouquet of blue roses.
    “I didn’t know blue roses existed,” she said.
    “They don’t. I made them blue.”
    She smiled. “That’s sweet.”
    “They’re for you and um… I wanted to ask you something,” he said while handing her the roses.
    She took the roses from him and turned to the kitchen counter to put the flowers in a vase. “You know, this is actually the first time you’re giving me blue flowers. What did you want to ask anyway?”
    He didn’t respond, so she turned around to find him on one knee. He grabbed her hand and blurted out: “Oh god. I actually prepared a whole speech but I forgot everything. I’m sorry about that. It’s probably because I’m nervous. I also think I’m overdoing the blue, don’t you think so? And I’m rambling, I’m also sorry about that-“
    “Luke, get to the point,” she interrupted him smiling.
    “Okay.” He smiled sheepishly and took a deep breath. “I love you a lot. Would you please do me the honour of marrying me?”
    She smiled brightly. “Yes. Of course I will, but… it has to be blue.”

    8 jaar geleden
  • Culloden

    Toch een gaatje gevonden. (: I had fun writing this one. Hope you guys enjoy reading it too.

          Michael adored colours. His hair had seen every possible combination and he couldn’t even remember how he would look with his own hair colour. He liked the way people looked at him as if he were crazy. At least they knew he existed. That he wasn’t just another person amongst the millions walking around in the world. He dared to show who he was. He stood out.

          He loved all colours, didn’t feel the need to pick a favourite one above all the rest. He didn’t like being restricted to only one. That was until he saw her. The girl that didn’t stand out, looked like everyone else. She was his complete opposite but she made him pick a favourite colour. Red.

          Her knee was drenched with the crimson colour, a stark contrast with her pale skin. Shaking hands tried to stop the bleeding but she hissed in pain with even the slightest touch. Soon her fingertips were stained red. The bicycle she had been riding laid on the concrete a few meters away from her. Michael had seen it happen: a car cut her off after which she fell off her bike. It wasn’t her fault. He doubted that anything could ever be her fault at that moment.

          ‘Are you okay?’ He kneeled beside her, looking at the wound that blemished her knee. ‘Yeah, yeah… It’s just a scratch,’ was her answer. She was one brave girl, he gave her that. He never questioned the other scratches and bruises on her body caused by the accident.

          ‘My car is right over there, do you need a ride home?’ It wasn’t as if her bicycle would be of much use. The wheel was completely winged. ‘No, that’s okay. My house is only a few blocks further anyway.’ She really didn’t want to bother him.

          ‘Look, I’d just really feel better if you’d let me drive you… You’re hurt and your bike is completely wrecked.’ Michael wasn’t asking this time. He wasn’t going to let her walk with a scraped knee and probably other parts of her body that hurt. She looked at him for a few seconds and smiled. ‘Okay. Thank you…’

          ‘Oh, Michael. I’m Michael.’

          The café was small and silent but that didn’t mean it wasn’t the perfect place for a date. Michael didn’t want to take her to the movies where they would sit in silence, staring at a screen in front of them. No, he wanted to get to know the girl with the scraped knee. How old was she, did she have any siblings, any pets?

          Her lips weren’t the only thing that were painted red that evening. Nervously she drummed her red fingernails against the wooden table she was sitting at. The smile that tugged at his lips when he walked into the café was almost as bright as her eyes. Could she be any more perfect?

          ‘Hey, sorry I’m late! Couldn’t find a parking space anywhere.’ He shrugged off his jacket and took place in the seat across from her. She smiled, the red colour stretching out over her lips beautifully. ‘No worries. I’ve only been sitting here for about five minutes.’ It was cute that he apologized.

          There wasn’t a single moment that evening where both of them would be silent. Talking felt so natural with her, almost too natural. But sometimes the only thing he could do was listen to her voice. It was mesmerizing. As if he got caught in a story he never wanted to stop reading.

          Somewhere along the line he caught her favourite colour. Red.

          He still remembered the first time he kissed her. How her lips felt against his and the soft touch of her fingertips against his cheeks. That was something he’d probably never ever forget. Not even if he wanted to.

          The girl grabbed a red strawberry out of the container that stood between them an propped it between her lips before taking a bite out of it. They’d been sitting across from each other in the grass. ‘Okay! Hayley Williams or Taylor Swift?’ She knew he would have a hard time choosing between the two.

          ‘Neither.’ Michael shrugged his shoulders and watched her confused expression. ‘That’s not how the game works Michael. You have to pick one!’ He’d made her pick one of the guys he proposed to her. A smirk appeared across his lips when he still refused to pick one of her options.

          ‘But what if I don’t want to?’ His eyes drifted off towards her lips. They were coloured a cherry red, caused by the strawberries they’d been eating. ‘Why not?’ she questioned him. Why he was acting so difficult was beyond her.

          ‘Well, maybe I have someone else in mind.’ Deciding to be bold, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against her. A small gasp escaped the girl’s lips but she didn’t push him away. Soon, her fingertips ghosted over his cheeks. Trying desperately to hold him in place. Never breaking the kiss.

          He remembered her tasting like the red strawberries in the container on the ground. Sweet and the want for more.

          The look on her face when he dyed his hair for the first time since they met was priceless.

          He’d knocked on her bedroom door after her mother had let him into the house. ‘Come in!’ Her voice sounded so far away because of the piece of wood separating them. He’d pushed the door open and the girl immediately look up to see who it was. ‘Hey.’

          ‘Oh my god Michael!’ Her hands flew towards her mouth, desperately trying to mask her surprise. ‘What?’ The smirk on his face said enough though. He knew exactly why she looked like she’d seen a ghost. ‘Your hair, it’s red!’ She stood up from her bed and walked towards him.

          ‘It is. You don’t like it?’ He liked it. It reminded him of her. Her fingers brushed through his newly dyed hair and he could completely revel in the feeling. Her hands always so careful with him. ‘I love it. But why red?’ Her simple, brown her was in such a contrast with his vibrant colour. Sometimes she wished she could be that bold. Don’t give a fuck about what anyone else thinks.

          ‘Makes me think of you. You once told me it’s your favourite colour.’ That was almost four months ago. His arms encircled her waist, holding her close to him. ‘You remembered that?’ She stared up into his eyes. The green of his orbs might as well become her new favourite colour.

          ‘Of course I did. How could I forget anything you tell me?’ It was impossible. She’d found her way into his head and he couldn’t get her out anymore.

          But he wasn’t even trying anyway.

          Three weeks later her eyes were rimmed red. He could tell she’d been crying and felt his heart drop. How could such a beautiful creature look so sad? It didn’t take him long to wrap his arms around her and hold her close.

          She rested her head against his chest, small sobs escaping every now and then. He didn’t even ask what happened. She would tell him when she wanted to and then he’d be there to listen to her.

          ‘Shhh,’ he tried to comfort her. He pressed a small kiss to her head and stroked her back with his hand. ‘I’m sorry.’ Why she felt the need to apologize was a question he never managed to answer. ‘For what?’ He asked in return. His fingers still forming a soothing pattern on her back.

          ‘For crying and bothering you for nothing.’ As if she could ever be a bother to him. He’d gladly take all her problems and make her feel better again. Anything to see her happy. ‘That’s what I’m here for princess.’ He didn’t mind holding her when she felt bad.

          ‘I love you,’ he mumbled silently. It was the first time he told her those three words but it felt as if he’d been saying them to her for years. He almost thought she didn’t hear them. Until her small voice filled up the silence.

          ‘I love you too.’

          Michael Clifford didn’t do favourite colours. Or so he thought. Whenever he saw something red he thought of her. The girl with the scraped knee, the lips and fingernails, the strawberries and the eyes. The girl that loved his hair.

          The girl that loved him.

          The girl that loved red.

    8 jaar geleden
  • Culloden

    Damn, dit is echt een heel erg leuke, maar ik heb zo weinig tijd op dit moment. Misschien dat ik later nog iets schrijf, maar de eerst komende dagen gaat dat waarschijnlijk niet lukken.. :/

    8 jaar geleden
  • chanyeoI

    Oeh, ik ga hier vandaag eens mee bezig (:

    Ik ga het ook wel een beetje missen, maar hey, je kunt er altijd nog mee doorgaan (; Alleen is het dan niet echt een countdown.

    8 jaar geleden
  • awsten

    OK ik heb het regenboog idee uitgewerkt c:. Ik ben er stiekem wel trots op en zo hehe c: .

    Something to have in your mind : think fetus Luke :').

    ‘Look, [Y/N], it’s a rainbow!’
    You immediately look up from your hands that had been playing with a grass haulm, and look where Luke is pointing towards in the sky.
    And indeed, there in the clear blue sky was a beautiful rainbow displayed. You stroke back your wet hair, since Luke and you had been playing around the rain a moment before, not wanting to go inside just yet. And this was your reward, a beautiful wonder of nature.
    ‘It’s full rainbow!’ You yell, standing up, dropping the grass haulm.
    Luke ran over to you, smiling and grabbing your hand in his. You looked at him, and almost saw a reflection of the rainbow in his blue eyes. You began to blush, and looked back up at the rainbow.
    It was like the rainbow was inside your body, lighting it up in every color.
    Red for the love you would never confess to the boy next to you. You have loved Luke for a long time. Not just love. But you were in love. But, since you were too insecure, you would never take the first step. No matter how many times your other friends told you that you were perfect for each other. He was your best friend.
    Orange for the optimistic feeling Luke gave you, by just talking to you and being there for you. He would do these small things, like squeezing your hand when he knew you felt anxious in a busy public area, softly humming, letting you know he was still next to you.
    Yellow because Luke was your actual sunshine. He always lightened up your day, making sure you felt okay. He also had the habit of buying you sunflowers from time to time, so your room would brighten up a bit. Luke also made the best jokes, making you laugh when you needed it the most, actual tears and cramps in your stomach appearing because of it.
    Green for all of the adventures you two had out in nature. Climbing trees, finding secret passages towards old cabins in the woods, the two of you camping out, looking up at night to the stars, while Luke would point out the constellations for you, and the starry night reflecting in his eyes.
    Blue for the amount of trust you had in him. You would literally trust him with your life. And Luke actually saved your life literally a few times. With a habit of overthinking and getting lost in your dreams and fantasies, traffic wasn’t the best place for you. Luke often had to pull you away from a car or even a bike, because you were wandering off, not paying attention to where you were going.
    Indigo for the advice Luke gave you. He had honestly the best intuition for a guy, warning you for bad friends or situations you should avoid. Once, in kindergarten (that’s how long Luke and you were friends already), you were friends with this new girl. Luke hadn’t liked her from the start, but you decided to give the girl a chance. But she turned out to be not that nice, cutting off one of your ponytails during the weekly art hour. Of course Luke was immediately by your side, defending you to the teacher since he had seen everything. The girl had been kicked off the kindergarten, which was a very odd thing.
    And purple for the imagination. You and Luke were always planning out your future, thinking where you would be in ten years. You had gone from rich business people, to exploring the world with nothing but a backpack. Every day you two came up with something new, and every time afterwards you had the thought that you didn’t care what your future was, as long as Luke was still by your side.
    The rainbow only represented a small fragment of all the feelings you had inside for the boy standing next to you with your hand in his. A sad feeling suddenly overwhelmed you, because you had no idea if these feelings would ever be answered. You were too scared to risk your friendship, to hurt him or something like that.
    ‘Hey, are you crying?’ Luke softly asked. You frowned, raising one hand up to your cheeks to only feel the wet tears. You hadn’t even realized that you were crying.
    ‘I don’t know,’ you softly said back, hoping he wouldn’t ask any more questions. It was hard to lie to Luke.
    ‘It’s okay,’ Luke muttered and pulled you closer, then placing a soft kiss on the top of your head. ‘It all will be okay.’
    You two stood there, looking at the rainbow, until the colors faded and there was nothing left but the blue sky.

    8 jaar geleden

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