Foto bij Prologue

Lily Ashford

Being alone on a Saturday night was quite boring, so of course I spent my entire night wasting time on the internet. One of my friends had told me about this website called 'Omegle' where you can videochat with people who have the same interests as you. Being the funny person I thought I was, I decided to wear a Harry Styles mask. Not really though, I'm not that funny. I wore it because I didn't want people to see me. A lot of people from my school go on omegle but for different reasons. Sure, we all went on there to have a good time but my definition of a good time does not include looking for horny people who I can have a masturbation session with on cam to get rid of my sexual frustrations. I admit, I too am sexually frustrated but not THAT frustrated.

Anyway , after finishing a conversation ( more like a discussion) with a 15 year old girl from France about the difference between Twilight and The Vampire Diaries, I started a new conversation. To my surprise the person on my screen was also wearing a Harry Styles mask. Bye bye originality. Though I couldn't see his face, I did see brown curls that were hidden under a Christmas hat. First of all, he looked like he had either just woken up from a nap or had very wild sex. Not sure I wanted to know the answer.

" What's your name?" he asked, breaking the silence. I was quite surprised by his voice, he sounded so much like Harry Styles, this dude really knew how to play his role. " Isn't that obvious? I'm Harry, Harry Styles." I said, also impersonating Harry but failing terribly. He sighed. " Sorry, I'm Olivia! And you are?" I could see him smirking behind his mask. " I'm Harry! Lovely meeting you! " Kidding me? Stop the act already, I'm not into roleplay. " So , you're a Directioner?" I asked annoyed. " You could say that, how about you? I'm betting Harry is your favourite?" I giggled. " I sort of am? I don't know, I really enjoy their music and they're all pretty cute. And Harry is hot and all but Niall is my favourite." He laughed. " Thank you." I got confused.

"Thank you? What for?" "I'm going to show you something but I need you to promise me you won't freak out!" I nodded. " I'm Harry Styles." I tried to contain my laughter but it was so difficult. " Prove it then, take off your mask!" I said. " Okay; but only if you take off yours." I nodded one again. He turned his face away from the camera. I rolled my eyes, he's probably one of those horny guys that's about to show me his penis and since Harry Styles is adored by millions of girls it wouldn't surprise me if he named his penis after him.

I stared at my screen whilst he was taking off his mask. I stared even harder, I was completly flabbergasted and I was probably drooling. It was Harry Styles. I wanted to freak out, like seriously. But I didn't. I promised I wouldn't. Instead I took off my own mask. He started to smile. " You're beautiful." He said. I could feel my cheeks burning, Harry Styles just called me beautiful.

So that's how I met Harry Styles

Thoughts? (:

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