It was late, the streets were dark and barely lit by the light shining trough a couple windows of a coffee shop nearby. It was completely silent apart from two people yelling at each other, a boy and girl. “You don't get it! You never get it!” The girl said, now appearing form the alley next to the coffee shop. Her hair was a chocolatey brown colour, her eyes bright green, standing out from her pale skin. The boy followed. “Then explain! Please, I want to understand!” The boy said. His voice sounded angry and frustrated, but his almond brown eyes were filled with fear and desperation. “Please Sarah! I care about you, please let me help.” He said, his eyes filled with the same fear, but his voice sounded soft, and caring. There was a silence, it felt like hours before either of them spoke again.

Sarah turned around, now facing the boy she was talking to. Or rather, yelled at. Her eyes were filled with fear, but mainly sadness. She spoke with in a soft voice, “I know you do, Evan”.
There was another silence. Sarah turned to look at the building across the road. Debating what he should say, Evan walked towards her. His legs felt heavy as he walked. He didn't know what to say, he just knew that what he said next, had to be the right thing. “Sarah,” He said softly, afraid of losing her to something he knew she could beat. “I know that you're ill, and I know that you might not feel like anyone loves you, but they do.” Sarah turned around, her eyes filled with tears, hardly able to catch her breath. “I know that,” She said. Sadness filled her voice, tears now streaming down her face. “I know that you love me, and I know I love you too.” Evans eyes lit up. A part of him was filled with the purest form of joy, but part of him know that what she'd say next, would hurt him more than anything he had ever felt. Sarah spoke again, scared of what would happen next. She couldn't lose him, but keeping him close would only hurt him more, she had to tell. “But I can't be with you, Evan. I know you don't agree, but I'm broken. I'm broken and I'm beyond repair.” Sarah broke down. Her salty tears rolled down her cheeks as her legs started to give in. She fell to the ground, her knees hitting the hard concrete road. Evan ran towards her. He held her tightly as she cried. “It's alright.” He whispered. “You're going to get through this, Sarah.” He kissed her forehead as they sat there, in the middle of the road, for what felt like hours.

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