"Lizzy!" The earl was wide awake and searched the area with his eyes. He was back in his office. "What...? I'm back here...but I was just...in Lizzy's room and she-" Suddenly the door flew open. Elizabeth stood at the opening, her eyes blood red from crying. Ciel stood up from his chair and went to his fiancée.

"C-Ciel, I-" The earl embraced the crying girl gently, but still tightly.

"Elizabeth, forgive me..."

"Ciel what-?"

"I'm going to give you the best Christmas ever...I promise..." The blonde girl looked at her fiancé. She was completely flustered.

"I thought you said-"

"I was angry...I didn't mean one word of it."

"Well then...Merry Christmas, Ciel..." That was the moment Ciel smiled again.

"Merry Christmas, Lizzy."

[A/N: Sorry, dit gedeelte is nogal kort, maar mijn inspiratie is op. Hoe dan ook, ik wens jullie Quizzers geweldige feesten en mijn beste wensen voor 2016!! :D]

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