It was the night before Christmas and Ciel was fast asleep. The slumber was sweet and rather deep. The sound of a ringing bell had awoken him, he looked around and saw...Mey-Rin? No, not her. Someone else stood in the room, the only question was: Whom?

"Excuse me, Miss, but who are you?"

"I am the one who made your dream come true." Ciel looked in around the room and said: "Nothing has changed." But the maiden said: "There has! You and Lizzy are no longer engaged." The earl let out a laugh. "That cannot be true." The maiden said. "Follow me and I'll show you."

Once out out of the office, there was nothing new to see, besides- Wait...stood there Alois Trancy?

"What the hell is going on?!" The earl shouted out. He immediately got the attention of the crowd. There was Bard, Mey-Rin Finny and other servants too. It were not only old servants, there were new ones, too. Ciel approached Alois. He was steaming mad. "Leave here at once!" he said.

The earl kept insulting and shouting at Alois. "You've putted enough misery in my my life!" Alois grinned and said: "You dare talk to me like that in front of my soon-to-be wife?"

As the mysterious maiden, was fading away, Ciel ran towards her and screamed: "Now is not the time to decay! This house is in disarray! How come it changed?!" The maiden responded: "You wished you and Elizabeth were never engaged. The marriage between you and her was never arranged."

Ciel shook his head in disbelieve. "No this is all wrong!"

"Nothing wrong about it. You wished for it."

"I do not like this wish one bit! Why did you grand my wish, you mysterious one?"

"All you have to know is that you have until Christmas day to make the wish undone." With those words said, the maiden disappeared, leaving the young earl in fear.

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