It was the night before Christmas in the town of London and everyone was filled with happiness, besides for the young Ciel Phantomhive, his heart was filled with stress. Paperwork here, paperwork there. The sheets layed everywhere.

Sebastian, the butler of the household saw the disarray and said with a grin: "So much work for the young master. Where does he have to begin?"

Merciless is her highness, the queen. "This is the most work I have ever seen!" The earl complained and mumbled, it was a pity. Suddenly the door flew open and Ciel shouted: "Lizzy!"

De joyful fiancée of the earl smiled and stepped in the office room. Then she looked around and said: "Why do you sit here? All alone and with al that gloom?"

The earl sighed and frowned and said: "It is Her Majesty, Victoria. Work has build up, it can't be delayed." "But now it is Christmas we cannot celebrate!" The two youngsters sighed one in sadness, the other in frustration. And more was about to come to ruin the Christmas occasion.

Elizabeth thought about a way to make her fiancé happy. She went off and prepared Ciel a cup of Earl Grey tea. The earl still worked at his office, slightly annoyed. Then Lizzy came with tea, she was sure he could've enjoyed.

But when she wanted to serve him the herbal, hot liquid, she slipped and fell with the tea and spilled it. Tea covered all the paper and burned Lizzy vigorously, but Ciel didn't care and looked at her furiously.

"My work! Oh no! What have you done?!"

"I-I just want to help you with tea...but now you have none."

"That tea doesn't matter to me, not a bit! You ruined my work, you stupid twit!" Elizabeth gasped and got up quickly. Ciel shouted: "Leaving is one way of helping me!" The blonde girl cried and sobbed quietly. "Ciel I'm very very sorry..."

Ciel pouted and was turning red. The situation he was in was rather very bad.

"I'm so sorry. Let me wipe it away." but Ciel responded: "Oh, stop it! Why on earth are you my fiancée?!" Lizzy looked at Ciel. "He sure is changed." To make it even worse the earl shouted: "I wish we were never engaged!"

With that said, Elizabeth ran away. There was nothing else she could do or say.

Ciel said with a mumble: "This Christmas is so horrible..."

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