Foto bij Chapter One: The Egg

Tyfan ran towards the nicely decorated carriage and saw the famous Dragon Rider and elf queen, Arya. She was riding on Fírnen wearing black and green. She had three dragon eggs before her. One black, one green, and one white. She was pointing at random people in the crowd. They touched all three the eggs but none of them stirred.
Finally she pointed at Tyfan. He half-ran, half-walked to the eggs. He first touched the yellow egg. Nothing happened. He touched the black egg. Again, nothing happened. His heart was beating so loud he was sure that Arya could hear it. He touched the green egg… and it moved. It cracked a little bit but didn’t immediatly burst open. Arya looked at him and quietly spoke. Her voice as graceful as it was friendly.
“Go inside the carriage,” she said.
Tyfan ran towards the carriage. He leaped inside and sat down. He was so shocked the meaning of what just had happened didn’t entirely grip him.
The egg was brought inside the carriage and Tyfan stared at it. He touched the egg… and a burst of pain shot through his arm. He bellowed a silent scream. The gedwëy ignasia appeared on his hand, burning him. The egg cracked again. Tyfan held his breath. The stir stopped and Tyfan exhaled. He was sitting on soft cloth and pillows that were colored green. Tyfan grinned and realized how appropiate the color was.
The egg was emerald green with white veins.There was a black shadow in it that constantly shaked. The black moved and appeared to form a baby dragon. The snout of the dragon moved towards the edge of the egg, and popped out. The dragon was entirely emerald green. The dragon looked at Tyfan and bellowed a soft roar. He jumped out of the egg and leaped on to Tyfan’s head. He scratched and bit but biting wasn’t of any use and scratching only itched. The baby dragon left three wounds on Tyfan’s face. Tyfan grasped the dragon and put him on the ground. Tyfan was strangely calm when the dragon tried to leap on to him again. Tyfan catched the dragon and hugged it. The dragon shrieked in horror while Tyfan laughed. He released the dragon and it crept into a corner. It stared intently at Tyfan and sat down.
Can anybody tell me what is happening? I’m so confused, the dragon thought and said.
Well I’m just as confused as you am! Tyfan thought.
Who was that? Who said that? Make yourself known! the dragon projected at him.
I’m right in front of you!
The dragon growled and looked at Tyfan. He carefully walked towards him and sat next too him. Tyfan scratched his neck. The dragon purred like a cat and leaped on to his lap. Tyfan now noticed the real beauty of the dragon. The wings were of a lighter green than the back of the dragon. The dragon’s eyes were a darker green than the rest. The scales were a brilliant emerald green.
My name is Tyfan, what is yours? said Tyfan.
My name is not mine to determine. You must choose the name. But my father was called Venomfang, and of my mother I do not know.
I have too call you something?
Yes, you must. I will have a word in this matter though.
Alright then, what kind of name should I give you? Hmm… I got it! What do you think of Nidhogg?
No, too long.
What? Alright then. What about Coatl?
Hmm… Fine. I’m okay with it.
That’s settled then.
Somebody is approaching.
The carriage door opened and Arya popped her head out.
“You’ll leave as soon as Murtagh arrives.”
Arya’s head withdrew.
But wait a second... Tyfan thought, How can you talk?
The eldunarí teached the bonded eggs how too communicate with elves, humans, dwarves, and urgals. In your case the human langauge.
Of course. But how could they communicate with you all?
I don’t know. But don’t forget that they are very ancient. And we are going to meet Murtagh-Two-Legs and Thorn-Dragon-Of-Murtagh-Two-Legs!
A feeling of excitement ran through Coatl, and somehow, Tyfan felt it. This is only getting weirder every second. He thought.
No, it isn’t! Coatl responded.
This is gonna be hard, but I-
It’s not gonna be hard. Coatl interrupted.
The carriage was beginning to ride.
So Murtagh has arrived? Tyfan thought.
I think so.
A moment later a person with dark brown hair and gray eyes stepped into the caravan. He sat down opposite of Tyfan. He looked at Coatl and scratched his Coatl his neck.
“Nice dragon you have there, take good care of him will you?” Murtagh said, still scratching Coatl his neck.
“Of course I will! Who do you think I am?” Tyfan replied, his dignity damaged.
Why are you offended? Coatl asked him.
Tyfan looked at Coatl and thought, I don’t know, I wanna know how he’ll react.
Okay. And with that Coatl replaced himself on Tyfans head. Tyfan tried to grab Coatl but Coatl dodged him and jumped onto his lap. Like when you’re trying to catch a mouse he slowly moved his hands into position to grab Coatl. Coatl jumped up and Tyfan grabbed into thin air. Coatl climbed his back and began sitting on his shoulder and started licking his paw.
That’ll teach you a lesson!
“Fine! I’ll let you,” Tyfan accidentally said out loud. He quickly put a hand in front of his mouth.
“I had that all the time with Thorn!” Murtagh laughed. “You’ll have to teach him respect before you go training. I don’t know how Eragon will handle this for this is his first experience with teaching…” Murtagh frowned. “I don’t even know if he’ll like me coming back…’
An uncomfortable silence followed.
“We’re there,” Murtagh said after what seemed like a long time.
Tyfan looked out of the window, and saw the most amazing thing he had ever seen in his life.

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