The moment we stepped on the unknown soil, we all looked wildered around us. "So this is the point where I'll leave you kids alone.You're the ones who'll save the people inside Camp 3. I hope you all know that : you all have a chance to come back alive.''. As soon as his speech ended our guide left us alone. He casually walked away, knowing that we wouldn't follow him. I sighed and tried to identify where we were located but it was pretty useless. The grass covered most of the ,already,destroyed buildings and roads. Cars, bikes, buses were ivy-grown and surely wouldn't be able to move anymore because of the rust. The rustling of the wind gave the landscape a very serein feeling but this is only an illusion. During my life I learned how deceiving everything can be. All at once the boys in front of me started to argue which way they were going to take to locate our target. "Are you stupid? They will kill us, we'll never make it out alive. I don't want to die." It is a fact that we'll never make it out alive. In the city we will be seen as heroes who'll protect the city no matter what ,but once time passes by they will eventually forget us. Forgotten sacrifices. Sighing I threw my bag on my back and started walking straight ahead of me. I didn't really care to where I was going to. I just need to kill as many Relics. Those who killed my parents.

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