Foto bij Prompt one

The nearest book for me was The Mortal Instruments City of Ashes

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"Give me your stele", she said. "It's time you got some marks". I gave her the white stele I own since my birth, my grandma said it was my moms. The stele was like a wand made from wood only way shorter, it was more the size of a pen. The white wood was imbeded with small emeralds. Lilly took it in her hand and put it against my bleeding shoulder.

"This will hurt but you can't fight the pain because that will kill you": she said with the most serieus look on her face. I looked at her black eye's, she looked dangerous but with a soft side. She started drawing the mark for healing on my wound or at least I think, it would be an obvious choice
ofcours. While drawing on my shoulder, she mumbles an incantation. It was an old language, so old most people didn't knew it excisted untill I outed Lilly and all people like her.

Now they are feared, hunted and banned from almost every continent except this little island we are on right now, Kahoolawe. My stele was heating against my skin almost it was burning my skin shut. The pain was worse than Lilly described. When the mark was done my wound dissapeared. Lilly moved my stele to my upper arm and started to draw a new mark, this one only felt warm. The next one she drew on the inside of my hand. Then she looked up at me and said: "Now you are really on of us". Those words changed my life forever.

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