Bill’s nerves were on edge. He couldn’t sleep at night, and during the day he suffered from excruciating headaches. No medicine worked, and nothing eased the pain. His friends were worried, but he new the source of his pain. He just couldn’t tell anyone.

Dat was de inleiding en wij moesten schrijven hoe het verhaal verder zou gaan. I hope you like it :)

Bill was secretly a wizard. His parents were on the dark side, the side of Lord Voldemort, the one who not must be named. But Bill didn’t think it was the good side, he thought the good side was the side of the order of the phoenix, the side of Harry Potter, the boy who lived. So he helps muggle’s every time he van, of course Voldemort and his parents weren’t happy with that. So they cast the cruatius curse on him. It’s a really painful spell. It’s like a thousand really hot knifes are punched in every single centimetre of his body. His parent cast the spell sometimes for half and hour on him, so he wouldn’t rum away. But e does and his muggle friends see that he’s in pain and ask about it, but he van’t say he’s a wizard! And he really want to say it but he just can’t. Muggle’s aren’t allowed to know it. It’s been a rule in the wizarding word for very long now. He also find it’s stupid that his parents think that Voldemort is going to win the war. Ok Voldemort was on this moment strong. He has the ministry in the palm of his hand. And Harry Potter is nowhere to be seen but he thinks and hope that Harry and his friends Ron and Hermoine are making plans! Because if the don’t fight who then? He really does everything that he can, but he knows it’s not enough. And it’s not that he doesn’t want to do more but he can’t because his parents gonna kill him! Or at least cast het cruatius curse on him till his mad. They already did it once with a person en they wouldn’t mind doing it again! Yes they are his parent but they are very cruel. The are the worst kind of death eaters, not as worse as Bellatrix Leastrange, but the differed isn’t that big! So he hope that one day he can go with his muggle friends without being cursed after that he comes back! He hopes that one day his friends can look at him without being worried about he having pain.

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