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To be continued

"It's not wise to let someone know your name. It's bad. Very bad."
He stopped and stared for a moment. He watched how she reacted. How she struggeled. In fact, he enjoyed it. He just loved to play with his food.
"Listen. Listen very carefully. If you don't succeed at this project, I'll have to kill you.
I'm really sorry, sweetheart. I really am. Such a waste.
So please, be good. Or actually," he raised his hand. All of his movements were extremely controlled. He knew exactly what to do, where to puts his hands so that she would listen.
"be bad. I'm going to ask you some questions. And you answer. Understood?"
She looked up. Her dark hair was hanging around her pretty face. Her lips were red, merely from the blood. But he had taken care of her face. There was no blood on it anymore. She had a bruce on her cheek. Her eyes were blue green and there was fire in them. She had the fire to fight back, but she didn't. She didn't want to. Not anymore.
"Do you understand?" he asked. He raised his voice.
"Yes." Her voice sounded weak and exhausted. She didn't look away but she looked at his eyes. They were dark blue. She stared a while at them. Then she saw something. Something dark and sinister. She saw that he enjoyed it. This thing between them. Whatever it was.
"Good. Do you know who I am? Hmm?"
"No. How would I know?" At this answer his face turned serious. Every spark in his eyes was taken out. It was replaced with rawness. That killer look.
It was then that she realised he turned her on. In a way. She examined her captioner. He was standing there, 3 meters away. With a black jeans and a white shirt that accented his body. He was a little sweaty but she didn't notice.
"Do you know why you're here?"
After a pause she shook her head. He instantly responded with his body language. He likked his lips and walked slowly to the table. It was too dark for her to see what was on the table, but as he stood with his back to her and picked it up she knew exactly what it was. She would've recognised that sound blindfolded under water in a tank. Then he turned to her and loaded the gun. He gently held it in his right hand and took a step closer.
"Do you want me to tell you?"
"I want you to free me." Her voice sounded fierce. He grinnend and the sparks in his eyes were back.
"I will. After I'm done with you. But for now, you're gonna be a good girl and answer my questions.
Why do you think you're here?"
You want to play, I can play, she thought curiously.
"Because I bought drugs from Channing Tatum and now I can't pay the bill so now you're throwing me in prostitution."
He smiled. He had wrinkles around his eyes en his mouth.
"You must think you're funny." In an instant his smile was gone and now he was lightly irritated. At least, that's what she thought. And hoped.
He walked up to her. He made himself look large. As she looked up she felt the gun in her waist. Then he raised her chin with his finger. And he shook his head.
"Sweety, this really isn't a game."
His voice sounded sweet and tender. The girl fell for it. He saw it.
She wanted him just as badly as he wanted her. But he couldn't. He just couldn't. He had his orders.
Ask the right questions, get the right answers. Get the wrong answers, kill the girl.
"Tell me why you're here." he said as he examined her eyes carefully. "Jee, let me think. Uhmmm... oh that's right! You kidnapped me!"
"Shh, don't get angry with me." Gently he stroke her cheek.
"I don't know why!" she turned her head away.
"Take a guess."
He took his hand off her and took a step back. She saw he waited for a serious answer. She thought briefly and took a breath.
"I guess someone wants me to do something. I need to be used for something. I don't know what. I don't know why. But I know that someone approved me. Otherwise I would be dead already."
He nodded.
"Good guess. Unfortunately, that's bad for you." The girl looked a little unsetteled. "What do you mean?"
"Now I have to ask more questions."
"What's so bad about that?" she asked.
"Believe me, questions are scarier than answers."
slowley he reached out to her and put his hand on her neck. She felt that she was drifting away. Further and further away from the dark blue eyes, deeper and deeper in a long sleep.

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