Foto bij Run

She was trying to run as fast as her legs could go, but it made no difference. He was faster, much faster and there was no possibility that she could outrun him.

A soft cry escaped her lips when she tripped while trying to look over her shoulder at the approaching man. Her breathing got heavier as she scrambled backwards, trying to get up again. The panic, however, was preventing her from doing so.

A smirk was plastered on his face as he slowly followed her at. He was dangerously close, so close that she was now able to see his face. How could someone who seemed so innocent and sweet be so evil?

“Please…” She managed to whisper.

“Don’t be scared. It’ll be over soon.” His voice was cold, not the way she was used to. And combined with those words it only made her more afraid.

His grin grew wider when he saw that she had noticed the shiny, silver metal in his right hand. He twirled it around and knelt down in front of her. She was trying her best to hold back the sobs, but failed miserably when he leaned closer to her.

“Shht..” He cooed and placed a hand on her cheek. “Don’t be scared.” He softly brushed the cold metal against her arm. His smile turning into a malicious smirk as he sliced the skin there, tearing a terrible scream from the girl’s lips. He closed his eyes to enjoy the sweet sound. It was like music to his ears.

She knocked him over, trying hard to hurt him and sprinted away when she saw the opportunity. A loud growl slipped past his lips as he got up, following her slowly. His eyes never left her back.

The girl ran for two minutes when she came across the abandoned school building in town. While desperately trying to stop the bleeding, she tried to catch her breath and listened to her surroundings. When all she could hear was her own breathing - which was getting steadier every second - she went inside. Carefully, she scanned the hallways and looked for a safe place and a possible get-away.

Relief tore through her body when she realised that she could only hear her own footsteps. Slowly and as quiet as possible, she turned a few corridors and walked further into the school building.

It was only after another few minutes that she knew she was safe. She relaxed and turned around to leave, only to let out a terrible scream when he stood there, only a few inches away from her.

His face broke into a malicious smirk again. “Trying to hide?”

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