Foto bij The Hobbit | Chapter sixteen.

The river was running very calm and now and then I could feel a little breeze in my face. I was crying, without making any noise but I felt some tears streaming down my face. In fact I didn't knew why I was crying. It's not that my history was bad, it's just that it was not something that I expected, and I still had so many questions that only my mother could have answered. I'm hundred percent sure that my mother was one of those fairies because she gave me that book with all those spells and my father was just too human to be a fairy. Or maybe he was not? No, I'm pretty sure that my father was a real human, because my grandparents were known over the whole town. So, it must definitley be my mother and one of her parents that were a fairy. But why didn't she told me? I didn't even knew how old I was when the dragon came and destroyed Dale and in fact I still didn't knew how old I was at this moment. Maybe, that was one of the reasons why I was crying, because of all the lies that my beloved mother had told me. I heard the dwarves singing and dancing what made me smile a little bit. I stood up, lifted my dress a little bit up and walked into the water, the wind was blowing in my face, I closed my eyes and thought about everything that Gandalf, Galadriël, Elrond and Saruman had told me. So, I was a fairy, one of the last fairies here in Middle-earth. What could I do to save my race? I could go to Mirkwood, I could try to find those flowers and I after finding them I could try to let them grow somewere else. It sounded like a simple plan, but we all knew that it would never work. The members of the council said clearly that those flowers only grew in that part of Mirkwood and not somewere else. Was there actually nothing that I could do? I came out of the water and walked back to the castle. When I came closer I realised that the dwarves were stopped with singing. When I went upstairs back to the dinner room I heard Gandalf and Elrond talking. Talking about me. "Do you mean she's dangerous?" asked Ori. "She's not dangerous. She's a good fairy, as long as she doesn't get any contact with the black fairies. We don't know if there any of them exist, but if they do, they will do anything to destroy the good fairies that are left." said Gandalf. "Destroy, do you mean.. kill her?" asked Gloin. Elrond and Gandalf looked at each other. "Worse, they'll try to change her into one of them. And if she becomes one of them, she can kill all of us." said Elrond. "We need to know how strong that her powers are..." - "We don't have time to look after a fairy." interrupted Thorin. "We have our own quest, we have enough things to do, so we don't have time to protect her." - "You don't have to protect her. You have to help her. During this quest she can discover her powers. We know that she's good with the four elements, but that's something that most of the fairies can. She has one extra power that no other fairy in this world has and during this quest she got the chance to discover it. Plus, she still need to transform." explained Gandalf. "Transform into what?" - "In a flying creature, with wings. If she could transform, she could help us a lot. Discover the fields to see were we can hide, see if there any dangerous things on our path." said Gandalf. At this point I was a little bit mad, why didn't the members of the council told me that there was a chance that I could change into a dark creature? Why did Gandalf and Elrond told those dwarves what I was and what had happened with my folk. Why did they do like I was a little child? Thorin started to speak again: "So, she's capable enough to rescue herself. We don't have to play babysitters?" - "Of course I'm capable enough to take care of myself." I said angry while entering the room. "Were you sleeping when I held the orcs on a distance?" I said while walking towards Thorin. "Let's be honest, your plan to just run around on that field like chickens that must lay an egg didn't really work out, isn't it?" - He looked at me and crossed his arms. "Oh and I forget that time when those trolls stole our ponies. That was quality work!" I said while holding my thumbs up. "You know you're all playing the tough dwarves with your axes and swords and bow and arrow, but in fact without Bilbo, Gandalf or me, you would be already death." I said calm but you could here a harsh tone in my voice. I walked around into the room and asked: "Who were laying on the ground in those jutebags? "Who was ready to be eaten by those trolls?" No one answered, they just looked at each other because a lot of them knew that I was right. "Yes, all of you." I answered my own question. "But okay, fine by me. You don't need me? That works for me." I said, turned around and walked away. "Oh and Lord Elrond, Mister Gandalf. Next time, you can tell me the whole truth. I'm strong enough to handle the possible fate that I will put up with." I walked away straight to my room, God I was angry! I took off the dress and put my fresh washed clothes on. The braid disappeared and I made an easy ponytale. After that I took my backpack and was ready to leave, I opened the door a little bit but saw that there were servants waiting outside my door. Probably something that Elrond had arranged. Luckily there were no windows in my room, I looked down and saw that if I would jump, that I would have no chance to survive. So, I took the white blankets and started to knot them. I threw the thing outside the window and bond it to my bed. In no time I was downstairs, I looked around me if no one had seen me and after that I went back to the bridge where we met Elrond and Lindir earlier this day. I walked past the walls and sometimes I had to crawl because of the windows. When I arrived at the bridge I saw two servants, that meant that I couldn't pass the bridge. In fact there was one thing that I could do.. using my anaesthesia spell. Normally I only use it with people who are in pain, so it was a little bit against my principle, but I was the one in pain.. in my heart so it was tolerated to use the spell on those servants. I sat against the wall and placed my hands - with the palms - across from each other. I closed my eyes and mumbled: Levitate I opened my eyes and saw a pink lightening ball between my two hands, I stood up and threw the ball against the head of the first servant, the ball exploded without any noise and you could see a pink haze around the first servant, the second servant saw how the first fell on the ground and tried to wake him up. But by doing that he also exhaled the pink haze and fell next to the other servant into a deep sleep. And from that moment I could escape, away from the elves, away from Gandalf, the hobbit and the dwarves!

Reageer (1)

  • LynnBlack

    No! No! NOOO! Harper Go back!
    Yesh you better listen to me you little...Little fairy! This is no game and whether the dwarves, Gandalf or Elrond are keeping things from you or acting childish you need to stick together! Because...Because I say so!
    SO hup hup hup GO BACK!

    8 jaar geleden

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