Foto bij Chapter 22

It felt like hours that had passed. How could I’ve let this happen? I just hope it will be over soon. I’d lost control of my body, it was someone elses now. And that person was using it with pleasure. I just lay there, letting him do what he wanted. Maybe throwing a fit when he went to far. My arms were turning blue and were aching like anything. I just waited, hoping someone would come save me.

Then I heard the door next to this room slam shut and footsteps thumping hard against the carpet of the hallway. The next minute the door flew open and I saw him. Jared stood in the doorway, not believing what he was seeing. He lurched towards Jeff and knocked him of me. Once I had control of my body again, I sat up, pulled at the covers so they were covering my body. I felt the ache spread across my body, every part of it hurt now. I saw Jared and Jeff, but not too clearly. I realized I was crying, feeling the tears streaming down my face, not able to stop them. I saw Jared pull back his fist and lurch it towards Jeff’s face. I was just in time to pull the covers over my face, but I could still hear it. When I peeked again, I saw Jared drag Jeff to the hallway, he seemed unconscious. By now I heard other people in the hall, exclaiming and screaming at the thought of what just happend. I covered my face again and started crying, hard this time. Letting everything out that had to come out. I heard the door close and I peeked to see it was Jared. He looked at me with a pained expression, then he came over to sit next to me on the bed. He pulled me close to him and I flinched. My body was still aching and it seemed to get only worse. Jared examined my arms and stroked them, barely touching them, afraid to hurt me. He sighed. I leaned my head against his chest, my teardrops falling onto his shirt. We sat there for a while, he let me cry it all out. He rested his face in my hair and kissed it.
‘’I’m so sorry.’’ He then whispered. It was silent for a while. There was a lump in my throat, which made speaking difficult.
‘’Don’t be. I’m fine.’’ I whispered slowly, mangled by my tears. I felt something wet drop on my head and when I looked up, I saw Jared crying as well. I leaned my head against his chest again and closed my eyes.

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