Foto bij The Hobbit | Chapter fourteen.

Dress for Harper:
Hair for Harper:

It was a very small pad and to be honest I thought we would have some trouble with Bombur. But it went all pretty good, sometimes we had to push him while the others were pulling him from the other side. But soon we heard the sound of waterfalls and running rivers. We could smell flowers and the smell of fresh air. We heard elves singing and for one moment I felt home. "The Valley of Imladris. In the common tongue it's known by another name." said Gandalf. - "Rivendell." whispered Bilbo, loud enough so I could hear it. I looked at him and smiled because of his wonderingly face. I've never seen the dwarves being so quiet and peaceful. I walked past the dwarfs and went down to the bridge that led us to the entrance of the kingdom. I looked around and I couldn't help myself but I started to hum while hopping around. "Isn't it wonderful?" I asked while the dwarves followed me over the bridge. I walked backwards and I didn't noticed that there was someone standing behind me, so I bumped into that person that stood behind me. I turned around and looked into two blue eyes. It was an elf with long brown hair, his eyes held mine and after a few seconds I started to apologize: "I'm really sorry. I hope I didn't hurt you. It's just that, I was..." O god, why couldn't I say anything properly? The elf smiled. "It's okay, my Lady. Welcome in Rivendell." he said. "Lindir!" interrupted Gandalf. "Mithrandir!" said Lindir back with a smile. They hugged each other. "Let me introduce you, Harper." Gandalf said after their hug. "Lindir." said the elf, he took my hand and gave a little kiss on it. I felt how my cheeks turned red. "Where is Lord Elrond?" asked Gandalf. - "My Lord isn't here." - "Where is he?" After that we heard back the sound of a horn, it was the same sound like we heard before. A few seconds later we saw horses coming over the bridge, right to the place where we stood. "Gandalf!" shouted a name. Another elf jumped off his horse and came to Gandalf, they hugged each other. Those elves really like to cuddle. "There were orcs in our area. It's really surprising that they come that close to our kingdom." said the elf. "They must be attracted by something." - "That could be our fault, Lord Elrond." The elf - with the name Elrond - looked at Gandalf a bit confused. I went to a horse and started to carress it, because the conversation between Gandalf and Elrond was a bit boring. Suddenly Thorin interupted their conversation, so typical him. Because,HE'S the king under mountain, so he should get all the attention. In my eyes is he just a normal dwarf until he has the Arkenstone. "Thorin, son of Thror, son of Train. Welcome in Rivendell. I must say you look like your father and grandfather. I knew Thror when he ruled over Erebor..." - "That's weird. He never talked about you." Oh Thorin you're so charming. Luckily Elrond is intelligent enough to not react at his statement, no instead of reacting, he said something in elvish. "What do you say? Are you insulting us?" said Gloin. He walked towards Elrond and looked at him very offensive. "No Mister Gloin. Lord Elrond offers you food and he says that we can stay here for the night." said Gandalf. Gloin took a step back and whispered something to the other dwarfs. "Let's show us the way!" Gloin said after a while. Lord Elrond smiled weakly and brought us into the palace. "If you want, you can all fresh yourself a little bit up before we have dinner." said Elrond while leading us around. I got a room for myself and I was really happy with that, I've been traveling with those dwarves for already... I don't know how many days and to be honest I really need some me-time. I opened the door and walked into my room. It was a little bit dark, but there were big windows so the giant moon brought some light in my room. There were long lightblue curtains and there was also a four-poster bed. For a moment I thought I was a princess in one of those fairytales, the only thing that I hadn't was a dreamprince. In fact, there were two handsome dwarfprinces and one dwarfking, so I had choice enough. I smiled about my own thought. After a moment I heard a knock at my door, i opened the door and saw two blond elves standing in the corridor. "Yes?" I asked. - "Lord Elrond gave us the order to help you prepare yoursef for this evening." - "Preparing for this evening?" - "Yes." - "Some explanation please?" - "There will be a dinner tonight. Lord Elrond said that you're the only woman in the company of the dwarves. So he thought that you deserved some coddling. He gave us the order to make a dress, so here it is." The two elves came into my room, the first elf started with taking my clothes off while the other elf filled the bathtub. "Just relax. We'll do the rest." I stepped in bath and did what the elves said. After half an our the elves came back. The wiped me off and helped me in the dress. It was a long, silken, light purple dress. The other elf braided my hair while the other put some flowers in it. "You're so tiny. Are you a dwarf?" asked the elf with the flowers. "No, I'm not a dwarf." - "A normal human then?" asked the other elf? - "Yes, I'm a human. A very little human." I lied. I didn't feel like talking about the fact that I still didn't knew what I was. "Oh." was the only thing they said. "You're ready for dinner." They looked at me with a spark in their eyes. "You look like princess." said one of the elfves. I smiled and after that the elves showed me the way to the place where the dwarves, the hobbit, Gandalf and a few elves were waiting for dinner. "It's here." said the elf. I thanked the elves by bowing and walked into the room. The dress was so long and for a moment I thought I would trip in front of the dwarves. Lindir came to me and bowed. "You look beautiful." he said with a smile and after that he walked away. I smiled and walked to the dwarves who were staring at me. "Good evening." I said. None of the dwarves said something back. "Good evening Lady Lilybite." answered Gandalf with a smile. I looked for a free chair and found one between Ori and Balin, on the other side sat Fili, who sat between Kili and Dwalin. Elrond sat on top between Thorin and Gandalf. "May I sit here?" I asked at Ori and Balin. "It would be pleasure, my Lady." said Balin very gallant. I smiled and took a seat, I looked up and saw Fili staring at me with a grin on his face.

Reageer (2)

  • LynnBlack

    P.S echt super oe daje voor alle personages zo oog hebt, Lindir, Elrond, De dwergen, nog gewoon elfen die haar helpen int algemeen! You're doing a great job!

    8 jaar geleden
  • LynnBlack

    oooohhhn OMG da laatste Balin de cutieeee!!! Love him!
    hahahhahahah ze wordt ier behandeld link een prinses zeg! Zalug! Ze verdiend et wel!
    Mijn tiny little human he ;p

    Snel verder please? I love it!

    8 jaar geleden

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