Foto bij The Hobbit | Chapter ten.

Chapter ten whoehoeoeoeoeoe!

Btw just look how cute Fili is, smoking his pipe and warming his toes. <3

I was busy, writing in my diary about the trip but most of all about Fili. I don't know why but there was something about that dwarf that I couldn't let go. Maybe it was because he threw a plate against my head, the first time we met. "What are you doing?" asked Bofur. "Just writing." - "About what?" - "About what I did today." - "What did you do today?" - "Nothing. Just ridden a horse and enjoyed the view." - "That's boring." - "It is, but it's just nice to read to things again within a few years. I just want to remember every little detail from my life." I explained. He nodded and looked to Bifur with a not-understanding-look. I decided to just ignore it and went further with writing my thoughts down. Suddenly I heard some yelling not far from the cave. I didn't knew if it was an animal or a human being. "What was that?" asked Bilbo. I saw the panic in his eyes and to be honest my heart started pounding. At this moment I wasn't ready for an orc-attack, my knives weren't sharpend and I was too tired. "Orcs." said Kili. Fili stopped smoking his pipe and looked scared at this brother. Bilbo came into the cave looking terrified. "Orcs?" he asked with a high voice. "Throat-cutters. There'll be dozens of them out there." said Fili. Thorin stood up and looked across the landscape. I closed my book and put it immediatly in my backpack. The other dwarves looked at each other, Dwalin stood up and took an axe in his hand, he looked so ready. "The lone-lands are crawling with them." said Fili. Kili nodded and went on: "They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep. Quick and quiet, no screams justlots of blood." For a moment I thought Bilbo would faint again, I couldn't blame him, I knew Orcs were terrible creatures but I didn't knew that they came to kill you in your sleep. I thought they were always ready for a real fight. I stood up because I wanted to calm Bilbo, but I got interrupted by some chuckling. I turned my head and saw Fili and Kili chuckling. "Do you think that's funny?" asked Thorin. They both looked up to their uncle and the look in their eyes was priceless. It was just they just stole a candycane in a store and someone caught. "You think a night raid by Orcs is a joke?" - "We didn't.. we didn't mean anything by it." stuttered Kili. Fili looked at me and the only thing I could do was just rolling my eyes. "You know nothing of the world." mumbled Thorin and walked away. I went to Bilbo and gave him a pat on his shoulder. "Don't mind him Laddie." said Balin who heard the whole thing. "Don't mind him? I asked. He's right. Orcs are not a thing to laugh with? Any minute, any moment we can get attacked by Orcs. We must be ready to fight and it's just stupid to make jokes about something like that. I'm actually wondering of you all would laugh if you saw a real orc." I said with an angry tone. Balin nodded and said: "You're right my lady, but the laddie's have to know that Thorin has more cause than anyone to hate those dirty creatures." I walked past Kili and Fili and sat down on the same place. "Why?" I asked a little bit curious. Like I already said, being curious is not a negative quality. "After the dragon took the Lonely Mountain. King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient Dwarf Kingdom, Moria." Moria, I've read about that in books, not like historical books but more like in those fairytale-books. My mother always told me stories about dwarves before I went to bed. I've always found it pity that I didn't really remembered those stories. There was just one that I really remembered. "What happened?" asked Kili. "Well, Thror went to Moria but our enemy, the Orcs, had got there first. Moria had been taken by legions of Orcs, led by the most vile of all their race: Azog the Defiler." went Balin further. "The giant gundabad had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin." - At that moment I realized that I held Fili his arm. And I also realized that I squeezed it very hard because I had a feeling how this story would end. "He began.." said Balin. "By beheading the king." - "Thrain, Thorin's father was driven mad by grief. He went missing. Taking prisoner or killed.. we did not know." he went on. I stood up because I couldn't here it anymore. I thought I had a rough past, but Thorin? I went to the nearest bushes and sat myself down, from this point I saw the beautiful landscape. I tried to calm down because I was so mad at Fili and Kili. Okay, I was already mad at them, but after this terrible story I really lost my good feeling of humor and also my good mood. I took a little stone and threw it as far as I could. Suddenly I heard a branch break. My hand slipped to my belt and took a knive, I turned around and looked in two blue - eyes. "Fili!" - "Sorry, I didn't wanted to scare you." - "Oh no? However I think you're very good at scaring people." I hided my knife again in my belt and sat down. "I'm sorry. But Kili started." - "Well you're the eldest, act like it." - "I know, I'll never ever happen again Harper. I promise." I rolled my eyes because I knew that he would be pranking again tommorow. "I promise Harper." he said again. "I will sharp all your knives. But please talk to me again." - "Sharp my knives? My knives are fine." I said. - "They're not. I'm an expert Harper. You couldn't kill me with that knife." he said and pointed to the knife from my belt. "May I?" he asked. I took the knife and gave it to him. "It's blunt. I will sharpen them." - "I'll do it myself. Thank you." - "Harper, I want to make things good between us. But you have to give me a chance." he said. I looked at him and I knew he was right. "Okay, you can sharpen them. Because I really don't know how to do it correctly." - "You don't?" - "No." - "There's no spell to sharp your knives?" - "No." - "Okay, I'll teach you how to do it. But not now. It's already late so I'll sharp them for you." - "Thanks." I said. He nodded and stood up. He was right, it was already late. I stood also up and together we walked back to the cave. "Did Balin tell you what happened with the white orc? Has Thorin defeated him?" I asked. "Thorin cutted his arm off. He bled and they all ran off. So, Thorin thinks the pale orc died from his wounds." - "That's good!" I said and looked to Fili. "It is! Because if he would still be alive it would be very dangerous for us. Especially for Kili, Thorin and I."

Reageer (1)

  • LynnBlack

    aaawh poor Thorin, Harper is so right to be mad at Fili and Kili for this! Bad asses their owh father was killed by orcs! They know nothing of the world! Still i love them alll! Xp

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