Foto bij The Hobbit | Chapter nine.

After breakfast we'll went outside, every dwarf had his own horse. "You should better take a seat with a strong dwarf." said Balin. "I think I have no other choice." I answered. In fact I would like to ride a horse on my own, but there weren't enough horses - what I completely understood -. "There's enough choice. Look at all these handsome and strong dwarves." - I giggled. It's not that all of them looked handsome but their personality made them very charming. "You take a ride with Fili." growled Thorin. Fili came towards me with his horse and gave me his hand. I took his hand so he could pul me up. My legs were spreaded over the back of the horse, Fili took my backpack and hung it at one side of the horse. I felt his chest lightly against my back - to be honest, that gave me shivers - . He took the reins and went with his horse towards Kili. If everyone was ready, we left straight to the woods. It was a very sunny day, we walked across green field, with some hills. If we wouldn't be on an adventure I would like to have a picnic here in those fields. "If you want that I hold the reins for a moment. You just have to ask." I said to Fili. We've been traveling for already hours and we didn't had a proper conversation. I couldn't blame him, I mean, I understood that he would rather talked to his brother than with a strange girl. "It's okay, you can keep enjoying the view." he answered. "Did you already got the chance to enjoy the view?" I asked back. "A little bit." he answered. I took a piece of the reins and said: "Well, now it's your turn to enjoy the view." - "Harper, it's okay I'll do it." - "Fili, just accept my help okay. You asked me to come with you, because you need my help. Now I'm offering my help and you refuse to accept it. I'm dissapointed in you." I said while crossing my arms. "Okay, okay. You can drive the horse for a while." he said. I looked to Kili who was giggling. I turned my head and looked to Fili. "Thank you!" I said with a smile. I took back the reins and drove the horse further into the fields. "You can really ride a horse." Kili said. I looked at him with big eyes. "What did you expect?" I asked. "Do you think that I can drive horses just because I'm a young woman?" - "No, no." said Kili immediately. - "It's just.." - "Kili, just shut up." interrupted Fili. From that moment it was a long and silent ride. The darkness fell upon us and Thorin demanded us to set our camp up in a cave. Fili was the first who jumped of the horse, he gave his hand and helped to get of the pony. I took my backpack and walked to the cave. It was a little bit dark, but with a campfire it would be a lot cozier. "Harper, Oin, Gloin go and get some branches and stones to build a campfire." demanded Thorin. I put my backpack in the cave against 'the wall'. I took an axe from the ground and walked to the woods. I climbed into a tree with the axe in one hand, I sat myself down on a large branche and started to chop some branches from above my head. "Gloin, if you would like to have branche on your head, just stay there, if not, you should better run now." I yelled while chopping the branche. After a few seconds the branche fell down on the ground next to Gloin his feets. "Be carefull!" he yelled a little bit angry. "I told you it was dangerous to stay there." I yelled back. After a few minutes i had like eight giant branches and decided to walk back to the cave. On the way back I took some stones and put them in my coat. "Are these good enough?" I asked to Thorin. He looked at me and nodded. I went into the cave and threw the branches on the ground, after that I took the stones out of my coat and threw them on the ground. A few minutes later the other two dwarves came back with some other branches. Bifur came and was ready to set the branches on fire. "No Bifur wait." said Gandalf. "Let Harper do it. Did you already tried to make a fire?" he asked. "Of course I did, it was one of the first spells I learned myself." - "Go on." he said. I took of my cape because I knew myself. I wasn' very handy and it would be very embarrasing to put myself on fire. I sat myself down in front of the branches, my hands we're laying above them. I closed my eyes and tried to focus. "Spell of fire." I whispered. Suddenly I felt a warm glow inside me. First I felt it in my chest and the feeling went straight to my arms and fingertips. "Spell of Fire." I said a little bit louder. A few second later I heard the sound of branches cracking. I opened my eyes and saw the fire burning. I looked to Gandalf who smiled and I smiled back. Thorin wasn't very impressed so he turned around and took a seat on a rock away from the camp. "I still don't know how you do something like that." said Bombur. "Can you conjure food?" he asked. All the others started to laugh. "No, I'm not good with the food spells." I said. "If you aren't an elf. Than what are you?" asked Ori. I shook my head. "I don't know Ori." I said. "Gandalf, do you know it?" asked Ori. Gandalf looked at me and I knew he saw the hope in my eyes. "I suspect something. But there are others in Middle-earth who can help me. You all have to wait and be patient. People who are patient gets rewarded." explained Gandalf. I was a little bit disappointed by his answer. I mean he said that he had a susposition, wasn't it my right to know what he thought that I was? I stood up, took my coat and sat against the wall with my knees up. After a while Fili came to me with some food. "You okay?" he asked. I nodded. "Soon you'll know what you are." he said. "I know, but I've been waiting for a long time Fili. At this moment I don't even know what my mother or dad were. I've always thought that I was a normal human just like the others in Bree and Laketown. Until I was old enough to read that book from my mother with all those spells. And from that moment I didn't knew who or what I was. I mean you know that you're dwarf and soon you'll be united with your family and you know that you'll marry an other pretty dwarf girl. Bilbo knows he's a hobbit. Even the ponies know that they're ponies. And then you have me. Not even an human, or an elf and definitly not a dwarf." I said and let out a little sigh. "Whatever you may be, you'll always be a part of our company." he said. I smiled. "That's sweet Fili. And you're very good at rhyming."

Reageer (1)

  • LynnBlack

    Awh such a wonderful chapter!
    Wauw you truly are a talented writer dear Fieniee!
    I love it!


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