Foto bij The Hobbit | Chapter five.

Chapter five already!

I was so happy to be - finally - outside. The grass felt so soft and pity for me it felt also a little bit wet from the rain. But it was just for one night and in the morning I would leave and go back to Laketown. I took my blanket out of my backpack and laid it down on the field, then I took my diary and started to write. And believe me, there were a lot of things to write about. First of all I started writing about my tasty breakfast that I had in the Prancing Pony. Those people in Bree were very kind and I couldn't wait to go back. I didn't wrote a lot about the trip from Bree to the Shire because it was a very calme and nice walk. But then I came to the part about the Shire and the Hobbits and the dwarves, the more I wrote the more I felt anger growing inside me. Never in my whole life I met a dwarf so selfish as Thorin Oakenshield. I stopped writing because I couldn't hold my pen proper in my hands. I closed my book and put it back in my backpack. I stared through the Shire and wondered about Bilbo. What would he decide? Would he do it? I laid myself down on the blanket and looked at the stars. Suddenly I realized I didn't practiced my spells today so I took an old book out of my backpack. "Let me take a look." I mumbled. I flipped the pages and came on the page about transformations. Not those transformations where you change in a beast or something. No it were those where you get wings and can start to fly. It's a simple spell but hard to do because it can only work if you actually believe in it and in the times where you want it the most. I really wanted to transform, just to see my wings for one time but I knew I had to wait and I also knew that my time to transform would come. The only question left was: when? I closed my book and let the practice for what it was. Sometimes I wondered if there were more people like me. I knew there were five wizards and there were elves but none of them could do what I could and I never met people like me before. Not even in Dale or in Laketown. I also never talked about it before, scared that they woud think that I'm sort of crazy. I mean did you see the look on the face of those dwarves, that and only that was a good reason to leave. Or maybe not, maybe Gandalf could help me, he's a great wizard but in my eyes he's the same idiot like Thorin. Let's be honest it's just a stupid idea to go back to the mountain and take the Arkenstone. I turned myself on my side faced to the Hobbit Hole. The lights were still on but I didn't hear a thing. Slowly I dozed in and before I knew it, the moon made place for the sun.

Birds whistled a happy song and with that I woke up. It was still a little bit dark and I guessed it was like five in the morning. So I stood up and started to stretch. Bree wasn't that far away from The Shire so maybe I could go back to Bree, have a little diner in the Prancing Pony by my good friend Barliman Butterbur and with a little bit of luck I could stay there for the night because it's not that I slept very well and I really wanted to be fit for my long trip back to Laketown. I took my stuff and left The Shire, feeling a little bit sad about it because what would happen with Bilbo and the dwarves? Yes, I felt also a little bit sad for the dwarves. It's not that I supported their idea of going back to Erebor but I knew how it felt to lose your hometown. A few minutes later I reached the woods and lucky for me there were some appletrees. I picked five big red apples, put four of them in my backpack and started to eat one. Normally if I walked like this I would reach Bree in the late afternoon, so that was for me a good thing.

Hours later I saw the buildings from Bree. I smiled because I was happy to be here. Inmediatly there were people smiling and greeting me. I opened the door from the Prancing Pony and I was really happy to see that there weren't a lot of people. In fact it was something that I expected, the clock at the wall told me that is was four in the afternoon. The village idiot was sitting at the bar and a few old men were drinking beer while playing cards. "Harper?" I heared a voice behind me. I turned around and looked in two brown eyes. "Fyona." I said with a smile. "I didn't expect you back so fast." she said while hugging me. "Yeah I know. The Shire wasn't really what I thought it would be." I answered. I knew it was better to shut my mouth about the dwarves and their idea to back and claim Erebor again. "I was wondering if I could stay here for a while?" I asked to Fyona. "And with staying here I mean a month or something. On my trip I realized that I'm a little bit out of money so I maybe Butterbur needs some help here." - "Oh, you can ask him later. He's cleaning the toilets. Do you want to drink something? I'll pay for it." - "Sure." - "What do you want?" - "Some juice or something." Fyona gave me a cup of juice and in no time the juice was slipping down my throat. "Why do you need money?" Fyona asked. "Oh, well I want to buy new arrows and my clothes and shoes needs to be repared." I explained. She nodded and started with cleaning some cups. "Hey, would Butterbur let me stay here for free? I mean not for free, I would clean my room and wash my blankets on my own and of course I would pay for food. But you know maybe he would let me work here so I could earn some money." I asked on a low tone. "I don't know." said Fyona. "You should ask him." she said. "Who needs to ask what?" I heard the voice from Butterbur.

Reageer (1)

  • LynnBlack

    Whoop Whoop another chapter! I love it!!! But she must follow the dwarves and Bilbooo!
    hehe snel verder please?

    8 jaar geleden

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