Foto bij The Hobbit | Chapter two.

Chapter two!

I just finished my meal when I heard three hard knocks on the door. All the dwarves looked at each other with a scared face. Gandalf broke the silence by saying: "He's here." Again the dwarves looked at each other. "Who's here?" I whispered. None of the dwarves answered. I was a little bit scared so I stuck my hand under my jacket close to my belt with my weapons. Gandalf stood up and soon followed the others. I was too scared to stay alone in this hole so I followed them too. Maybe it was better that I left, I thought in myself. Gandalf opened the door and there stood another dwarf with long brown, light curled hair. "Gandalf." he said with a little grimace. "I thought you said this place was easy to find." said the mysterious dwarf while entering the Hobbit Hole. I stood behind a dwarf and tried to see everything what happened. "I lost my way twice. I wouldn't find it at all had it not been for that mark on the door." the dwarf said. He took off his coat and rolled it up so he could hold it in his arms. "Mark??" asked the Hobbit. "There's no mark on that door. It has been painted a week ago!" he kept on saying. Gandalf closed the door, looked to Biblo and said: "There is a mark. I put it there myself." The new dwarf looked to the others and gave them a heartwarming smile. You saw that he was glad to be here in the Shire with his other dwarf-friends. "Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company: Thorin Oakenshield. The dwarf with the name Thorin turned around and observed Bilbo. Thorin gave his coat to Kili and started to speak. "So.. this is the Hobbit." His voice gave me shivers, it was so deep and warm that I didn't knew if I should be scared or if I should feel comfortable. "Tell me, Mister Baggins. Have you done much fighting?" Thorin asked. Fighting? Seriously? That Hobbit guy doesn't look like a fighter. I think he doesn't even know the difference between a sword and an axe. If you asked me, I would say that Bilbo Baggins looked more like a farmer or at least a chef. He would use his sword to cut the vegetables and the axe to whip some eggs. But fighting? Oh no. He couldn't even handle this group of dwarves in his own house, what would he do if he saw a group of orks? Telling them how to make pancakes? But at least he was in my eyes a very good host, and I liked him. "Axe or sword? What's your weapon of choice?" Thorin asked. Bilbo stood there awkwardly and said: "Well, I do have some skill at conkers. If you must know..." The other dwarves started to grin and Bilbo went on: "but I fail to see why that's relevant." Thorin looked at him a little bit condescending. "Thought as much." he said while his arms were crossed. "He looks more like a grocer then a burglar." The other dwarves started to laugh. I rolled my eyes and felt a little bit sad for Bilbo. I mean, it's evening, a group of dwarves entered his house, plundered his food and now there's a dwarf - who is very handsome - making fun of him in front of his whole gang. Thorin walked away and ofcourse the other dwarves followed him. Bilbo stood there in front of his door, not knowing what in helse name was happening. I laid my hand on his shoulder and gave him a weak smile. He nodded and followed the dwarves to his dining room. "What news from the meeting in Ered Luin? Did they all come?" asked Balin. "Aye. Envoys from all seven kingdoms." answered Thorin while taking a sip from his soup. Bilbo tried to clean some things up, so I decided to help him. "It's okay. You don't have to help." he said. "It's the least I can do. You let me in and gave me food. That's very kind of you, especially in such a weird situation." I said while picking up some onions. While Bilbo and I were cleaning up we could hear the conversation between the dwarves. "A quest?" I mumbled. Bilbo went to the dwarves and asked the same thing: "Are you going on a quest?" Thorin looked a him again with the same look on his face. "Bilbo, my dear fellow, let us have some more light." Gandalf said. Bilbo sighted and came back with another candle. I stood behind the group, leaning against the wall, looking outside the window. Balin was right, it began to rain. While looking outside I followed the conversation between Gandalf and the dwarves. Because let 's be honest, this wasn't the right time to leave. I mean, a group of dwarves and a wizard who are going on a quest? That's something you don't read in fairytales. Gandalf talked about rivers and woods and for me it sounded a little bit like a poem. I heared papers crinckle and I tried to look above the heads from a distance. "The Lonely Mountain?" asked Bilbo. I've heard about that before, it isn't that far away from Laketown. If I looked outside my room I could see that mountain and often I thought about climbing that mountain and standing on top of it. But right now there's a dragon in the mountain, the same dragon that destroyed my hometown Dale. Wait a minute, are they the dwarves from The Lonely Mountain? What are they doing here? Slowly I walked towards the table where all the dwarves were sitting. A dwarf named Oin started talking about ravens that fled back to the mountain, I didn't listen because I wanted to know why they were here and why they had a map. "Uhm. Beast? What beast?" asked Bilbo. "It's a dragon." I said while staring to the map. "They're talking about the dragon." - "Yes, Smaug the terrible." said Bofur. "He is quite terrible." I answered.

Reageer (1)

  • LynnBlack

    Awh shiiit I do not believe Thorin will like to hear her talk about the dragon ;p
    I can already hear him say "Do not speal to me of dragon fire and loss!" hahahaha you know it!

    8 jaar geleden

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