Schrijf een verhaal uit het perspectief van Hermione Granger. Het thema mag je zelf kiezen, iets wat in de boeken of films gebeurd is of iets wat je zelf verzonnen hebt. Het maakt niet uit. Minimum aantal woorden 250. We beginnen langzaam ^^ Maximum 400

      It’ll be okay, he said. All will be well, he said. I didn’t believe him when he told me. I didn’t bother to listen. Who’s the smarter of the two, huh? That’s supposed to be me, right? Right? Why would I listen to him, if I knew better? Anyway, this is all just prove. He proved himself wrong. No, it won’t be okay and no, not all will be well.
      “Hermione?” Ginny’s red hair, so much like his, appeared in the door opening. I looked at her and smiled weakly.
      “Are you all right?” she asked. For a second I wanted to get up and tell her that it’s okay, that all is well. But it isn’t true. Tears appeared like they have all day long and Ginny sat down next to me. Together we stared. Together we cried. Together we laughed because it’s all so stupid and typical. After all the wars we won, after we survived all that. God is cruel.
      Harry didn’t turn up. While so many people did. It was James who took Albus and Lily to come and see. Ginny had laughed when he came in, being all big brother-ish, as he was so young still. Rose and Hugo haven’t left our side. They just sat on the ground against the wall, together without fighting over anything. Molly and Arthur where in the hall most of the time, talking to their children and grandchildren who turned up. Sometimes one of the two would come in, sit and weep.
      When I came in the next day, I nearly got a heart attack because of Harry. I opened the door silently, as if it mattered. He used to hate it if I slammed doors.
Harry sat on my chair, tears streaming down his cheeks and staring. We sat together, crying, holding each other and crying a little more, and staring, determined to print the face in our minds and never forget it. To never forget his memory because after all we went through, all Ron went through, it’s what he deserves. We cannot and may not forget anything and if we keep the memory alive, we keep him alive in our hearts. In our head. And maybe, just maybe, he was right. Maybe it would all be okay. Maybe it would all be well.
      Or maybe not.

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