Foto bij Chapter 21

Someone pushed the door open and stept into the room. It was dark and I couldn’t make out who it was. It wasn’t Jared for sure. I could see that by the structure of its body. I started to get anxious.

Who’s there? I wanted to ask, but had trouble finding my voice. It stepped towards me and I could tell it was a man. Was it John then? Why was he in my room? Or maybe it was.. He stepped towards me, his steps where wobbly and unfocused. As if he was dizzy or maybe drunk. He closed the space between us and I could see who it was. It was Jeff. What does he want? Why isn’t he saying anything?
‘’Hello.’’ He blurred, barely audible. He’s definetly drunk, he probably doesn’t know what he’s doing.
‘’Hey Jeff, something wrong?’’ I asked, keeping my voice steady. He was standing right next to my bed now, scanning me. He murmered something but I couldn’t understand it. His hand reached out and touched my bare arm. I flinched at his movement and moved up so I was out of his reach.
‘’Jeff, go away.’’ I whispered sharply, but he didn’t listen. It seemed as if he hadn’t even heard me. He blurred something again and I thought I could hear a ‘’No’’ . I stepped off at the other side of the bed and we stood there. The next things happened so quickly. I sprinted to the door, but he was there before me, locking the door. I let out a scream but he covered my mouth with his hand. Then I started kicking and screaming, but my screams were demped by his hand. And my kicks were pretty much useless as well. I struggled despirately to get free of his hold, but failed. I started panicking and I found it hard to breath. I heard him laugh under his breath as he started pulling down my jumper and then the rest of what I was wearing. Then it hit me, what he was planning to do and tears welled up in my eyes. I don’t want this, but what can I do? My arms were starting to ache from his strong grip, there was nothing I could do. I tried to bite his hand, but failed. Everything I was trying, failed. I lost hope after a moment. He nailed me to the bed and I struggled to get free before he would get the chance to do anything. I got tired and the pain in my arms was getting serious, hard to ignore. But I kept fighting, I wouldn’t give up. But then it was already to late.. then it started.

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