Foto bij Andrew Collony

Michelangelo, detail of the sixtine chapelle, 1473

Name: Andrew Collony
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Age: 23
Year of birth: 1998
Occupation: 2nd year Art History Student
Specialization: early Medieval ages
Nationality: Irish
Living in: Dublin
housing type: campus.

Hair Colour: orange
Hair Type: curls, a lot of curls
Eye Colour: Blue
Skin Tone: very pale, freckled.
Build: Average, well looking
Height: 1.76 cm
Weight: unknown

Usual Clothing: his university has an uniform so he'll wear that almost everywhere he goes.
weekend clothing: tshirt with funny or patriotic print, jeans and leather boots.
Jewelry: Helix Earing(sold), necklace, leather bracelet.

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