Foto bij Phoenix feathers.


deze story heeft geen lopend verhaal maar bestaat uit verschillende fragmenten uit het leven van de faun.

It was a dark and foggy Sunday morning in late April when the big man woke up to a soft knock on his front door. He almost dozed off when he heard it again, louder this time.
Slowly he stood up, quickly pulling on a shirt and pants before going to open the door. There, right in front of him, he found a bright red bird sitting on the path, holding a small bundle of cloth in one of its claws. The bird was obviously a phoenix, but it flew away as soon as the man reached for it, leaving the bundle. Said bundle moved a little as it hit the floor. A soft, uncomfortable "baa" sounded as the contents of the cloth felt the cold floor and started to realize mommy was no longer there.
Quickly, Hagrid gathered the bundle and took it inside to take a look at its content. It baa’d again when the cloth was removed, revealing a tiny faun. His floppy ears stuck out from his curly hair and moved slightly as he looked at Hagrid curiously. Kicking his small hoof and tilting his head, it let out a soft fey giggle at this man he thought was funny. Bright amber eyes lit up when one of these huge hands came to pick him up. “Baa,” he hummed contently, snuggling to the fingers close to his head.
The man did not know what to think of the little thing in his hand, but as it started to snuggle to his fingers, it was like a stone dropped in his heart, weighting it down and making him tear up slightly. It was so small, helpless and alone. The big guy couldn’t help but feel sorry, so very sorry for this little creature of the woods. It moved and made soft noises, quickly adjusting to his new caretaker. Because that, Hagrid realized, was what he would be. There was no way he was going to leave the faun to die, because unconsciously he had already started to love it.

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