Dit komt van wat ik de laatste tijd gevoeld heb, erg emotioneel :P

Lately I've been feeling different
One moment I'm happy
Then the thunder strikes me
Suddenly I feel sad
I can't escape this change

I haven't been myself, lately
My emotions are spinning around
From happy to sad in a minute
It's giving me quite a headache

I need a break, from everything
Escape to the countryside
Think my thoughts trough
All on my own

People around me don't look the same
They have changed so much
Faces I don't recognize
Were these people my friends
Cause I don't remember them

I haven't been myself, lately
My emotions are spinning around
From happy to sad in a minute
It's giving me quite a headache

I need a break, from everything
Escape to the countryside, on my own
To think my thoughts trough
All on my own

Time passes me by
I chase after it every day
When I finally find it
It's already gone
When does the time stop

I haven't been myself, lately
My emotions are spinning around
From happy to sad in a minute
It's giving me quite a headache

I need a break, from everything
Escape to the countryside
To think my thoughts trough
All on my own

Sometimes it feels like, I'm all alone
No one there, to comfort me
Wipe away my tears, when I cry
Hold me close when I'm sad
Tell me sweet nothings, when I go to sleep
The darkness surrounds me

I haven't been myself, lately
My emotions are spinning around
From happy to sad in a minute
It's giving me quite a headache

I need a break, from everything
Escape to the countryside
To think my thoughts trough
All on my own

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