Foto bij Chapter 20

After dinner we all had a drink on the veranda. It was a nice summer evening and with only a fleece on you'd be warm enough.

I only had one glass of champagne, I never really liked alcohol. Jared only had a few beers and I was glad he was still sober. Megan and Jeff on the other hand, had little too much, I think. Suddenly Jared tugged at my arm and motioned for me to come inside. We stood up from the table, everybody talking and chatting along as we went inside. Once inside, Jared said:
''I don't think I'll be able to drive you home tonight. I don't want you sitting with me in a car when I've been drinking.'' he smiled.
''Did you do that on purpose?'' I asked playfully.
''Maybe.'' he answered after a moment. Then he smiled at me and gave me a kiss.
''I haven't showed you my bedroom yet, would you like to see it?'' he asked me.
''I'd love to.'' I said. He smiled, then took my hand and led me the way. Up the grand stairs to the right, at the end of the hallway. He opened the door for me and let me go first. His bedroom was huge. Very different to mine. He had a big double bed with hundreds of pillows neatly layed on top of it. And what first of all had caught my eye, was another grand piano. A big dark brown one. Then he had a big flat screen TV on his wall, opposite the bed. And you could also see a balcony, connected to his room with sliding doors. I turned to him.
''I like your room. It's huge. But it seems cosy.'' I smiled.
''Glad you like it.'' he said. ''You won't be sleeping here though, you'll be sleeping next door.''
''That'll be just fine.'' I said, feeling slightly relieved. After roaming around in his room, he showed me my room. Also very big and with a double bed and a flat screen. I glanced at the clock and saw it was already twelve o'clock. I yawned. Jared came over to me.
''Maybe you should get some sleep. You look tired.'' he said, pulling me to him. I leaned my head on his shoulder, almost falling asleep. I decided it was probably better to get some sleep.
''Hmm.'' I mumbled. Jared started taking off some of the pillows, tossing them on the ground. Then he folded up the covers so I could lie there. I started taking off my pants and then looked at him, with my arms crossed.
''Oh sorry.'' he chuckled and turned around. I continued getting undressed, leaving only my jumper and my underwear on.
''Done?'' he asked.
''Yeah, you can look.'' I said. he turned around and we stared at eachother. He came over to me, kissed me on my lips, then lifted me from the ground and placed me in bed gently. Then he pulled the covers over my body.
''Goodnight, Emmelie.'' he whispered as he kissed my forehead. Then he left the room and turned off the lights for me. I lay in bed for a few minutes, listening to the downstairs event. I heard the music that was on turned off and people were making their way upstairs. Then someone turned off the hallway light and it was silent. I decided to go to sleep now and I tried. I was very tired but I just couldn't fall asleep. I lay in my bed for what seemed an hour until I heard some noise. I realized it was the doorknob turning..

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