Foto bij Chapter 19

We stepped out of the car and Jared came over to me to hold my hand, sensing my anticipation. He walked up the stairs and he opened the door for me. We walked inside, me half hiding behind Jared.

As soon as we entered the house I noticed the interior had been completely decorated. I could've expected everything to be over the top. I should see their wedding. God. John came up to greet us.
''Hey son, see you brought Emmelie. It's great to see you again, thanks for coming.'' he said to me. We followed him to the veranda were I saw Catherine sitting at the table with two other people I didn't know yet. Wasn't that hard to find out who they were. I looked at his sister, blond curly hair to her shoulders. She was very pretty and I felt a hint of jealousy as I saw her. And her fiancé wasn't ugly either and seemed like a nice guy.
''Guess who's here?'' John smiled as soon as we stepped onto the veranda.
''Heeeeeey lil' brother!'' Jared's sister yelled as she made her way towards us to give him a big hug.
''Great to see you, Megan. You look good.'' He laughed.
''You flatter me, but tell me,'' she said looking at me. ''Who is this?''
''Megan, Emmelie. Emmelie, Megan.'' he introduced us.
''Nice to meet you Emmelie, thank you for coming!'' she said as she gave me a tight hug.
''Yeah, congratulations.'' I said, uncomfortable. In the meantime, her fiancé had come over to greet Jared and then moved on to me. He shook my hand while saying,
''Nice to meet you, Emmelie. I'm Jeff, Jeff O'Brian.'' He said, smiling.
''Nice to meet you, too.'' I responded. We sat at the table together, chatting along. Ofcourse I didn't say much. I mostly listened and watched Jared and Megan. They seemed really close and I understood then why he was so sad about not seeing her that often. After talking and having some tea, it was dinner time. I told Jared it was time for me to leave, but he insisted for me to stay for dinner. I texted my mom that I would be home a little later and she didn't mind. Dinner was lovely. They had a beautiful huge diningroom with a marmer fireplace, that was lit. Me and Jared sat next to eachother and Megan and Jeff opposite us. Catherine sat on one end of the table and John on the other. I was actually quite enjoying myself, what surprised me. I never thought I would be able to have fun with these people, laugh with these people, eat at a table with this people and feel totally at home with these people. I glanced at Jared and saw he was already glancing at me. He reached out for my hand under the table, but I didn't let him, eyeing his mom. He sighed and then smiled at me.

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