Foto bij Chapter 18

After Jared had brought me home, my mom had dinner ready. After that I went to my room to make my homework, but my thoughts wondered off constantly, which made that impossible. Why hadn’t he warned me? And that Catherine hated me didn’t make it any easier. I understood her, though. I obviously didn’t belong in their world. After I finished my homework I practiced on my guitar for a half an hour. At eleven o’clock I went to bed. It was hard to fall asleep but at one o’clock, I finally gave away.

I woke up at seven o’clock in the morning. I felt exhausted, I hadn’t slept much tonight. I got ready for school. Jared would pick me up at five to eight again and I was looking forward to seeing him. I won’t be angry with him though. I had no reason to. And by the way, I was too much in love with him to hate him now. I put a fleece on, hung by bag over my shoulder and waved out my mom as I went out the door. Jared’s truck was parked in its usual spot, just infront of the door. I smiled as I saw him and he smiled back. I opened the car door and stept in.
‘’Goodmorning.’’ He greeted me.
‘’Goodmorning to you too. Thanks for giving me a ride.’’ I said.
‘’No problem.’’ He said smiling. He reached over to kiss me and I kissed him back.
We drove to school, not talking much about yesterday. He walked me inside, to my locker and upstairs again. But he had to go to the musicroom to assist, so I would see him after school again. Cause today was another lesson day and I was looking forward to it. I went to sit with my friends, since I hadn’t spend time with them lately. But as I sat there with them, they pretty much ignored me. Only maybe answering Yes or No or Maybe when I asked something. And it annoyed me enough to just stand up and leave. Why were they acting like this? Oh well, I’ve never really had good friends here. And I still had Jared, what cheered me up a little. But if he left me.. I would have nobody, nothing. I wandered around the school, just thinking. About Jared, Catherine, my friends, my life practically. I jumped when suddenly the bell rang. I went to my class and so did the day pass. I was sitting next to Anna at almost every subject and it was mostly silent at our table. I stared out the window, not paying much attention to what the teacher was trying to explain to us. School passed by and before I knew it, the final bell rang. I put my books in my bag and made my way to the musicroom. I started smiling once I saw Jared. He stood up, walked over to me and put his arms around my waist.
‘’Hello.’’ He said smug.
‘’I’ve been counting down to this moment.’’ I told him.
‘’I’ve been doing the same since you were out of my sight.’’ He said now leaning in to kiss me. The kiss grew fiercer by the second. I dropped my bag to the floor and Jared started unbuttoning my cardigan. But he didn’t go further with the rest, probably remembering we were in a school. I had forgotten. One of his hands knotted in my hair and the other rested on my waist. I had my hands resting on his back, trying to pull him closer eventhough our body’s were already squished together. We let go after a while and started with the lesson. I noticed my voice was getting stronger and I felt confident when I sung. But maybe that was just because Jared was at my side. After the lesson we walked together through the halls of the school, holding hands. When we were outside we went to his car. He opened the door for me as he always did and then went to sit at the drivers seat. He said nothing for a moment and then,
''Hey, you remember my sister?'' he asked.
''Ofcourse, why?'' I answered.
''Well, her boyfriend asked her to marry her so she's coming over to celebrate it with us.'' he explained.
''That's wonderful, I'm really happy for her.'' I said, smiling.
''Yeah well, I would like you to meet her. Do you mind if we go over to my house?'' he asked. Do I mind? What the hell, ofcourse not.
''I think that would be kind of a family thing, Jared. She doesn't even know me, and what if she doesn't like me aswell?'' I asked looking in his eyes.
''As well? Bet you're talking about my mother. Don't worry about her, Em. She'll give in some day.'' he said smiling. ''And you're coming to celecrate with us, otherwise I'll be all alone.'' he continued. I sighed as he started the engine. We drove off to his house and were there in fifteen minutes. As we drove through the gate and around the roundabout, I started to get slightly nervous. How would his sister react about me?

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