Foto bij Chapter 17

It was a woman who had called and a few seconds later, she stepped into view behind the piano. She probably came from the big bright room or the veranda. Once she saw me, she stiffened. Her eyes scanning me..

''Hey Mom. I'd like you to meet Em.'' he introduced me. The woman stepped out from behind the piano and came towards me. I held out my hand but she didn't shake it. Instead she said:
''Catherine Blake.'' she nodded.
I dropped my hand, awkwardly. It was pretty obvious she didn't like me but I understood that.
''Emmelie Stewart.'' I then said, the same way she did.
''I'm just going to the bathroom. I'll be right back.'' Jared said, walking towards the stairs and dissapearing from my sight. Couldn't he hold it up for a few more minutes? Neither one of us said anything and the silence was killing me.
''It's a beautiful house you have.'' I remarked, trying to sound at least nice.
''Thank you.'' she said. More than that didn't come, so we just stood there in silence for a few minutes. I was relieved to see Jared appear on the staircase.
''Okay, come, I'll take you to meet my dad.'' he said as he was by my side again. I gave Catherine a smile before we went to the bright room. I saw their back garden better now. The veranda was huge, and so was the swimmingpool. Everything seemed to be huge in this place. I spotted someone sitting on the veranda and that's where Jared lead me to. He slided the sliding doors open and I could see the man turn his head. He smiled as he saw me.
''Oh hello, who may this be?'' he said, standing up to shake my hand. He seemed to like me maybe a bit more then Catherine did.
''Dad, this is Em.'' Jared introduced me, smiling. I shook his hand as he said:
''John Blake.'' Must be some family thing.
''Emmelie Stewart.'' I said, the same way.
''How nice to meet you.''
''Yeah, you too.'' I replied. By now, Catherine had also stepped onto the veranda and we stood there for a moment. Silence.
''I think I'd better take you home now. It's getting a little late.'' Jared said. And we went back to the truck.

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  • Carcass

    *Paks Bazooka *

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