Foto bij Chapter 16

We were walking back to the car, when I thought of something. Jared took his keys out of his pocket, unlocked the car and opened the door for me. I stepped in and after a few seconds, he stept in as well.

''You haven't invited me over at your house yet. I'd like to meet your parents as well.'' I said. He stared forward, looking at nothing. Then he turned to me.
''Yeah, fine. I don't live far from here, it's maybe a five minute drive.'' he said with a smile, seeming a little uncomfortable. He started the engine and started driving. I opened a window since it was really hot in the car. Jared didn't seem to bother. I hung my head out of it and felt the wind blow through my hair. It felt refreshing and cool. I heard Jared chuckling and when I retreated to my seat he was smiling at me.
''Was it a bit too warm in the car for you?'' he joked.
''I like doing that.'' I said, laughing. ''Are we there yet by the way?''
''We're almost there. Don't be impatient.'' he smiled. We drove on for a few minutes, chatting along. I noticed as I was looking out the window, all the big houses in the area. We drove on a little more and then he turned onto a side road. He drove to the end of that and then we were infront of a big iron gate. I didn't know were he was taking me. He flipped open his compartment and fished out a little, what it looked like, remote control. Through all this I grew silent as I saw him press a button. The gates opened for us and as we drove on, a big, no huge house came into view. This is ridiculous, I thought. No, it was beyond ridiculous. Yeah, I knew there were rich people in London but it wasn't like I'd ever spent time with those people or been invited over. And there I was, in a t-shirt and torn jeans. Nice. He could've at least warned me. I continued to stare at the house as the truck turned in the roundabout infront of the house. There was a fountain in the middle and beautiful sculptured rose bushes everywhere. I turned to him and was about to ask if he actually lived here, then realized it was a stupid question. By now he had stepped out of the car and opened my door for me. I stepped out and looked at him.
''What?'' he asked, amused by my expression.
''I'm not going in there looking like this!'' I whispered sharply. But he had already taken my hand. He escorted me up the stairs and to the front door. I was feeling really out of place here. He pushed the door, that wasn't locked, open. He stepped inside, dragging me behind him. I was speechless once I saw the interior of the house. All I could do was stare. There was a huge marmer grand staircase, and in the middle of that, a big black grand piano. I looked further through and saw behind the piano, a big light room. And a huge back veranda with a swimming pool. It was like I'd just landed on Mars. And I definetly felt out of place here, who wouldn't?
''Would you like something to drink?'' Jared asked me, his words startled me in the silence.
''No, I'm fine thanks.'' I answered.
''Shall I show you around?'' he asked me then. Thinking that would probably take an hour I simply shrugged.
''No, that's fine.'' I said.
And then I heard, someone calling from out of my sight.
''Jared? Did I hear you come in?''

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