Foto bij Chapter 15

We walked on and talked for a while. Then we sat down on the sand and stared at the waves that were crashing onto the shore. It was peaceful, being with him, watching the sea. I closed my eyes and just took in everything, I felt his hand glide over my shoulder as he pulled me to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and I could feel his face against my hair.

We sat like that for a moment. And for me it was a moment of happiness and love. A moment I had never experienced in my life before. Time passed quickly and soon there were hours passing, I didn't notice. He kissed me one last time before saying it was probably time to go. We stood up and walked back along the beach, holding hands. The sun was going down and it gave a peaceful romantic glow. I glanced at Jared's face, seeing the glow of the sun on his skin made him look like an angel. And that was exactly what he was to me. He glanced at me, and then stopped walking for a second. He reached up and rested his hands on my cheeks. I closed my eyes and felt his lips touch mine. He seemed to kiss me differently this time. More gentle and slow. I put my hand on one of his and held it. I enjoyed the way he kissed me. It relaxed me and for a moment it felt like I had absolutely nothing to worry about, as long as I was with him. With Jared. The person I decided I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. He pulled away gently and I sighed. He slowly dropped his hands from my cheek and took my hands again. This time he examined them gently, stroking them, warming them in his hands. Then he sighed and met my eyes. He gave me a cute smile which I had to smile back at.
''I love you, Emmelie Stewart.'' he whispered. I paused for a moment, looking into his eyes.
''I love you too, Jared Blake.''

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