Foto bij Chapter 14

Jared decided to take me out to lunch at the beach. It was a nice restaurant, looked expensive. After that we went for a walk along the beach. We took off our shoes and roled up our jeans, then we started walking along the shore.

''Jared, thank you for the letter.'' I said, looking up at him. He looked away and smiled slightly.
''It was beaufiful, really.'' I added, once he said nothing.
‘’Glad you liked it.’’ he then said, smiling over at me. We walked along in silence for a few minutes, the summer breeze felt just right and the sun shined high in the sky. I was glad I was wearing sunglasses but it didn’t seem to bother Jared. Then his hand curled around mine and I felt like never letting it go. The warmth of it made me smile and I felt happy. I’ve never felt this way before in my life and I was thankful to Jared for bringing that into my life. After a while we started talking again, about this and that. Making jokes and laughing. We’d walked through the crowded part of the beach and were now in an almost deserted part, which was rare for this time of year. He then stopped, turning me to face him. He looked at my face then scanned the rest of my body. Then our eyes met again.
‘’You’re perfect.’’ He said softly after a while. His words shocked me and I didn’t know what to say.
‘’I’m not perfect Jared. I have a dark side to, you know.’’ I told him and it was true, I think.
‘’I find that hard to believe.’’ He then said.
‘’It’s true. I once had a boyfriend, but I discovered he was dating another girl. So when he was over at my house we had an argument. I started screaming at him.’’ I told him.
‘’That understandeble. I would’ve done the same.’’ He smiled.
‘’You wouldn’t have tossed a vase at his face.’’ I then confessed.
‘’You did that?’’ he laughed.
‘’Then I started with the plates. I pretty much cleaned out the whole cupboard that day.’’ I told him.
He laughed again but then said:
‘’I’m sorry. I find it hard to believe how anyone could do that to you.’’
‘’Maybe it’s because of my dark side.’’ I smiled, then reached up to kiss him.

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