Foto bij Chapter 13

It was the next morning and Jared had picked me up, as he said. He dropped me off at school, but then said he still had a couple of things to do so he drove off again. Today we had no lessons so I probably won't see Jared for the rest of the day and that upset me more then I expected.

I was about to open my locker when I saw something sticking out of it. I pulled it out and smiled when I discovered what it was.
It was a piece of paper with on the front:
Written with ink and someone with a beautiful handwriting. I opened the piece of paper and started reading..

Dear Emmelie,

When I look back on how we met and I see where we are now, I can only believe that we were destined to be together. We've both been through some challenging times in our lives, and there is no doubt that our past experiences have partly shaped who we are today. What I have come to realize, though, is that I am learning a little more every day to appreciate what I have found in you.

You have inspired me in more ways than I could have ever imagined. You have shown me the glory of being loved and defined the meaning of a soul mate. I can't tell you how blessed I feel to have found you, to be in love with you, and above all to share my life with you. You are my best friend, lover, and my "fleece." Thank you for being in my life. You were worth the wait. I love you.

We probably wouldn't have seen eachother today to my disappointment, but I hope you can meet me in front of the school when you're free. I'll be waiting for you.

Love always,


I tried to blink away the tears that were forming. After that I read the letter a few more times. It was beautiful and I just couldn't imagine someone who already had so many talents, could have one as beautiful as this one. The day passed slowly ofcourse, me counting the minutes I had to endure till I could see him. When the bell rang, I walked to my locker fastly, tossed all my books in my bag and made my way outside. I couldn't spot Jared, but then I felt someone put their arms around my waist from behind me. I turned around to see Jared smiling at me and I gave him a long kiss.

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