Foto bij Chapter 12

I glanced at the clock, seeing it was six o’clock already. We quickly sat straight and I created some distance between us again.

''I'm home!'' my mom yelled from the hallway. As she was passing to look for me in my room she saw us sitting at the piano. She looked a bit startled, not expecting Jared probably. Jared stood up as if to introduce himself. I stood up too, before he could say anything I started:
''Hey mom, this is Jared. The one who's been giving me the singing lessons.'' I said awkwardly. She stepped forward and Jared held out his hand.
''How wonderful to finally meet you, Jared.'' she said while she shook his hand.
''Nice to meet you too, ma'am.''
''It's Mary Stewart. Call me Mary.'' she said with a smile.
''Jared Blake. Call me Jared.'' he said, returning one of his friendly smiles. I giggled, and I could see he was holding back a laugh himself.
''Would you like a cup of tea?'' Mary asked. Jared looked at me and I nodded.
''Yeah, thanks mom.'' I replied.
She gave Jared a last smile and then went of to the kitchen to make some tea. Jared looked at me and smiled.
''She's nice.'' he then said.
''Yeah, she is.'' I replied after a moment.
''You never told me your last name was Blake.'' I commented.
''You never asked.'' he teased. ''By the way, you never told me your last name.''
''You never asked.'' I teased him back.
Jared walked over to me and took my hand. I smiled and squeezed it gently, then I reached up to give him a quick kiss. He smiled and as soon as we heard my mom coming back with the tea, we let go and he stepped back. She came in with a tray and set it on the table. Then she motioned for Jared to have a seat and I sat next to him. She went to sit on her usual spot which was opposite Jared. They started talking. About Jared mostly, like what he all does. I told her he plays the piano and she seemed impressed by that. You could see her wondering off with her thoughts and I knew what see was thinking about. Then she looked up and smiled at Jared.
''Well, I must hear you play sometime.'' she then said. Jared nodded in response. They talked along, me not saying much. Mostly sipping at my tea and watching Jared and my mom get along. They seemed to like eachother, which made me happy. After tea my mom brought the tray back to the kitchen and then went into her room, saying she'd give us some privacy.
''So..'' I then said. I glanced at the clock. It was ten to seven.
''When do you have to leave?'' I asked. Then he glanced at the clock.
''I can make ten more minutes.'' he said smiling as he was leaning in to kiss me again. I flung my arms around his neck and started kissing him. At seven he left, I waved him out at the door and saw him step into his car. He waved at me and then drove off. After I closed the door I couldn't stop smiling at myself.

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