Foto bij Chapter 11

Jared played for me as I sat next to him. Looking at his face, very concentrated. He looked beautiful and I continued to stare, then removing my stare to his fingers. I used to do this with my dad too. I loved it when he played for me and I missed it a lot once he was gone.

He ended the song and looked at me. Then he smiled, once he saw my peaceful dreamy face. I smiled back at him. It was silent as we continued to stare. The stool infront of the piano wasn’t so big so we were forced to sit close to each other, which I found comforting. Then he slowly leaned forward, our faces almost touching. I found it hard to breath at this point. I decided to speed it up a little so I leaned forward, that movement made our lips touch. The touch was electric. He started moving his lips, like I did. They moved, perfectly synchronised. His hand reached up and touched my cheek, feeling tintles wherever his hand had touched my skin. My hand reached up and I rested it on his back, pulling him closer, which was barely possible. He started kissing me passionately and I was enjoying every second of it. His hand went up and started stroking my hair. We went on like this for a while until he gently pulled away. He looked at me and smiled, seeing the disappointment in my face. Then I smiled back at him. He continued stroking my cheek and I closed my eyes. Then I felt his lips on my forehead moving down my face, leaving warmth wherever they touched. They found my lips again, but before we could start again, we heard someone opening the frontdoor.

Reageer (2)

  • xManonn


    1 decennium geleden
  • Carcass

    Oeh, synchronisation ^^

    Me likes<3

    1 decennium geleden

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