Foto bij Chapter 10

We eventually found my house and Jared parked just infront of the door. Then he turned his engine off and turned to me.

''Will your mom be home already?'' he asked. I didn't know where he was going with this and he sensed that.
''Don't get anything in your head, I'm just asking.'' he said smiling.
''No, she's home at six.'' I said, relieved.
''Okay.'' he said. ''I like your house, by the way. It looks nice from the outside.'' he said, looking at it.
''Wait till you see the inside.'' I said, stepping out of the car. He stepped out himself and we made our way to the front door. I fished my keys out of my bag and started opening the door. Jared following every move I made. I pushed the door open and went inside. Jared right behind me. He looked around and smiled.
''This is home.'' I said, hoping he'd like it. He took off his jacket and hung it on the peg on the wall, dropping his bag under it. I did the same and hung it on top of his, then I dropped my bag and guitar next to his bag.
''I like it.'' he said, looking around. ''Aren't you gonna give me a tour?'' he smiled.
''I was just about to. It won't be a long one though.'' I answered. And it wasn't. My house was fairly small, it had only one floor and a basement which we never used. At the end I showed him my room and he started looking around. Then he sat on my bed and said:
''It's a cosy house you have. Different to mine.''
''Maybe you should give me a tour around your house some day.'' I said, smiling. He was silent for a moment.
''Maybe I'll invite you over some day.'' he then said, seeming a bit unsure.
''I noticed you have a piano in your living room.'' he then commented.
''Yeah, my dad used to play. He was really good.'' I said, silently.
''I'm sure he was. You must be missing him, huh?'' he asked. Now it was my time to be silent and I felt tears well up as I thought back at him, but I fought them back. Jared noticed and came over to me. He gave me a hug and suddenly the tears dried up. We stood like that for a while. He felt so warm and nice and comfortable, I didn't want to let him go.
''I'm sorry.'' he then said.
''Don't be.'' I said after a while. He then let go of me and looked at me. We stood there for a while until I broke the silence.
''Could you play for me? I would like to hear what you can do.'' I asked him.
''I'd love to.'' he smiled. I took his hand and led him to the living room, then seated him infront of the piano.

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  • Carcass


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