Foto bij Chapter 9

We took our bags and walked through the halls of the school. It was silent but it wasn’t awkward. We glanced at eachother, sometimes our eyes would meet and we smiled. I noticed every second I looked at him he was standing closer to me. I could feel the heat radiating of his body and I started wondering wat it would feel like, his body against mine. My thoughts got the best of me and I quickly stopped, feeling slightly embaressed.

‘’What are you thinking about?’’ he asked glancing forward and then turned his head to look at me. I looked away and quickly said:
‘’I was thinking about how we were going to get to my house. I have my bike with me. How did you come here?’’
‘’I have a car.’’ He said, obviously proud of it.
‘’Oh well oke, guess I can leave my bike at school for one day.’’ I then said. We walked further and then we were outside. It was a nice summer day and the sun was shining. I tried to spot his car, guessing which one would be his. He then walked up to some big navy coloured pick-up truck. Once I found out it was his, I stopped walking and commented:
‘’My bike would’ve easily fit on the back of that thing.’’
He walked on to his car, grabbed his keys out of his pocket and opened the passengers door for me.
‘’But then I wouldn’t have a reason to pick you up tomorrow morning.’’ He said smiling.
I looked at him for a few seconds, startled by what he just said, but happy at the same time. Then I laughed awkwardly .
‘’Fine.’’ I said, stepping into his car.
He walked over to the drivers door and stepped into the car as well.
‘’So, where abouts do you live?’’
‘’Uhm.. It’s just around the corner from Domino’s pizza. You know, the one at the O’Connell bridge.’’
‘’Oh yeah, I know that place.’’ He said as he started the engine.
During the ride we talked some more. He making me laugh a couple of times. I liked his sense of humor. I started to realize that maybe I really was in love with this guy.

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