Foto bij Chapter 8

The days I wasn’t with Jared went slow and I kept catching myself thinking about him. I’d been counting towards the day I could see him again. And that day was today, after school. I’d brought my guitar to school and had stored it in my locker, where it just about fit. I’d told my friends about it, since they were getting suspicious. After that they didn’t push on it. I did have the feeling they felt abandoned by me since me and Jared agreed to do the lessons three times a week.

The bell rang and I went to my locker to pick up my guitar. I didn't spot Anna by her locker, what surprised me. But I didn't spend further thoughts to it. I hung my guitar over my shoulder and carried my bag in my other hand. I felt relaxed, what was unusual for this time of the day. I made my way up the stairs, towards the musicroom. I opened the door and saw him sit on his usual spot. He smiled at me as I came through the door.
''Hello.'' he said, obviously cheerful to see me.
''Hi.'' I said as I went to sit on my usual spot. But then he shook his head and I looked at him, confused.
''From now on, you sit here.'' and he motioned to the chair next to him. I lingered for a second and then went to sit next to him. He smiled. I dropped my bag next to me and stood my guitar against to the wall. When I turned back I saw he had sheets of guitar chords infront of him.
''Okay, what's this?'' I asked, looking through it and glad I could read it for if I had to play it.
''Can you play this?'' he asked, as if reading my thoughts. I sighed and then said:
He smiled.
''Good. Get your guitar.'' he ordered.
After unpacking my guitar, we started practicing with the songs he had ready for me. A few of Taylor Swift and a few of Avril Lavigne. He played along with his piano, which made it sound really good. It didn't take long for me to know them by heart and he seemed impressed, which made me smile. After that he wanted me to try sing along with it, which was harder then I thought, but he told me I'd get there. We also talked about our familys, school, summer vacations, boyfriends & girlfriends, practically everything. Soon I knew pretty much everything about him and he about me. After an hour the lesson was over and I packed in my stuff. But I didn't feel like ending it just then so I asked him:
''Would you like to come over to my house? Maybe you can meet my mom.''
It didn't take long for him to answer, as if thinking the same I had.
''Yeah sure, I'd love to.''

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  • Carcass

    More plieks<3

    1 decennium geleden

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