Foto bij Prologue.

Cold house, white light
Yellow lamps on blackened skies
Duffel hoods and deep brown eyes
I sing you a song that I think you'll like

And we'll walk to places we always go
A million faces I don't know
I say the words you'd always hope
Set our hearts on racing even though

I know what you told me
I know that it's all over
And I know I can't keep calling
Just every time I run
I keep on falling on you

Reageer (4)

  • 160917


    9 jaar geleden
  • Peperoni

    More, more, more.

    9 jaar geleden
  • Culloden

    Yay, new story!
    Abo, of course. (;

    9 jaar geleden
  • awsten

    Ik ben echt enorm nieuwsgierig (:

    9 jaar geleden

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