Nu zijn ze onderweg naar het vliegveld. Om een beetje te zien hoe ze onderling met elkaar omgaan. Tips en ideeën zijn zeker welkom!

“Hey Tamara! What have we got for breakfast?” Jasper asks me. “The bag is right next to you.” “Oh, but you can still tell me, right?” “You lazy, no, oh never mind.” “No, no no no, what were you going to say?” “I said never mind.” “Oh please,” Tommy says with his angelface. Elleke says: “Oh, come on. You should not have started talking if you weren’t going to finish.” “Alright, alright! I thought of pig…” “Ouch,” sounds trough the car. I see Sven looking sideways, smiling. “Hey! I wasn’t finished. I said that I thought of pig, but that is not very original. I couldn’t think of anything else, but it was too late.” “Too bad,” I hear Koen say. I smile. Then Jsper asks: “But what is our breakfast?” A little ball flies trough the car and I hear Jasper say: “Ouch!” and laugh. “I will look myself then! I get the best stuff, because I am first.” “No,” Koen says: “The first one hands everyone their stuff and gets his, hers, stuff last.” At this Jasper says: “Tommy?” “No.” “But you don’t know what I am going to ask!” “Oh I know and my answer is still no.” “Oh... Koen?” “No.” “But…” “”Tommy said no and he is a smart guy. What makes you think that my answer would be different?” “Hmm… Elleke?” “Yes?” “Could you tell me what’s for breakfast and give it to me?” “I could, if I was sitting next to the bag. But I am not. Good luck.” Jasper is again at the point of speaking, but Sven says: “Don’t even think about asking me.” Jasper gives up and sighs: “Tamara, What do you want? And maybe you can tell us what you packed?”

In ten minutes everybody, except Sven, is having breakfast. Sven usually eats at our first stop. “Froissants vith hocolate are nev,” Koen tries to say something, but his mouth is too full. Elleke says: “Koen, finishing you bite might be wise.” Koen makes a crazy face while he eats as fast as he can. “Sorry, but Tamara? We never had croissants with chocolate, had we?” “No, but they were cheap and delicious, so I thought, why not?” “Good vinking,” Dunno1 and Dunno2 say. “Guys! Please stop talking about food. I am hungry and you are distracting me. You don’t want us to wind up against a tree, do you?” “No master Sven,” we answer as a choir and then we laugh. There is always a lot of fun when we go on a trip like this, but this laughter sounds a bit nervous. “Oh, come on. I was just joking,” Sven says. I answer: “Yeah, we know.” Then Koen brilliantly interrupts: “Lets play a game! I see, I see, what you don’t see.”

We arrive at the airport half an hour early. Somehow it is really crowded. It takes a long time to find a spot to park the car. Some spots are just too small, some cars are parked wrong and Sven has a whole list of other concerns. Koen gets bored: “Just pick a spot!” “I can’t and you know why.” “Then go to the entrance and unload the stuff. That way ‘we’ can go inside.” “And leave me searching alone!? You always think you can leave the dirty jobs to me!” “Guys! Stop it!” I’ve had enough: “We are all stressed and you are making it worse.” “But…” they say. “No buts, I don’t want to hear them. We are a group and stay that way until we are finished here. Not that we have to stop being a group after that.” They start cooling off. “You are right.” In five minutes we find a spot, do what we have to do and walk towards the entrance. Our suitcases are on a cart, two actually. Koen and Jasper are pushing them. All goes as usual. When we arrive at the entrance we look and almost feel as cool as usual.

Reageer (1)

  • Awrighter

    I reallyyyy wanna know what there going to do and why its al so mysterious? Hhahha ill be reading your story !

    1 decennium geleden

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