Foto bij Chapter 7

More weeks passed and I was really starting to enjoy the lessons Jared was giving me. We always had a lot of fun doing it, and we really started to get to know eachother. I was growing confidence with the whole singing thing and I enjoyed it more than anything.

School had just passed and I was making my way to the musicroom, excited about what we would do today. I entered the room and he greeted me
‘’Hey.’’ He said, smiling.
‘’Hi.’’ I answered and went to sit on the chair were I always sat.
‘’Are you enjoying the lessons so far?’’ he asked while looking through some papers.
‘’Yeah, I really am. I’m getting sort of excited about it.’’ I said with a smile. He returned the smile, put down the papers and looked at me.
‘’You’re getting better everytime I see you. But I heard you play the guitar as well.’’ He said.
I paused for a moment, not sure where this was going.
‘’Yeah, I do.’’ I said.
‘’Are you good?’’ he said.
‘’Descent.’’ I said smiling.
''Why don't you bring your guitar next week.'' he said.
I didn't now what to say. Is he gonna teach me how to be a better gitarist too? I sighed, desciding not to push on it.
''Yeah, okay fine.'' I then said.
''Perfect.'' he said, followed by a smile.
The rest of the lesson was the usual stuff. I sang a few songs and he sometimes joined in. Asking some personal questions in between.
''So you have any sisters/brothers?'' he asked me.
''No, I'm alone.'' I said smiling. I was getting confortabler with him every time.
''What about you?'' I returned the question.
''I have a sister. But she's already 25 and she lives somewhere in the north of England. I don't see her much, but I'm sure you would like her.'' he said, seeming a little sad about it.
''I'm sure I would.'' I then said, trying to cheer it up a little.
''Mom and dad?'' he then asked.
''No, it's just me and my mom.'' I answered.
''May I ask what happened to your dad?'' he asked. I paused and sighed.
''He died in a car accident when I was ten.'' I said, looking down.
''I'm sorry, and I'm also sorry for bringing it up.'' he said.
''Don't be.'' I assured him with a smile. He smiled back. Then he glanced at his watch and saw it was time to end the lesson. He sighed.
''It's time.'' he said.
''Oh oke. I'll see you next week.'' I smiled. I grabbed my bag and hung it over my shoulder. Then I held out my hand. He took my hand and shook it. He smiled.
''See you next week, Em. With guitar.'' he said.
''With guitar.'' I confirmed.

Reageer (1)

  • Carcass

    Niceee<3 Ververderverderverder =D

    Hehe (doeg)

    1 decennium geleden

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