Foto bij Chapter 6

It was the following day and yesterday we agreed to do the ‘’lessons’’ once a week. I still hadn’t a clue why this guy was so interested in me. He wanted me to become a singer? Why? This whole thing didn’t make sense. But oke, today we would have our first ‘’lesson’’ and I was nervous like hell.

I met Anna at the lockers at eight, like always. Ofcourse I didn’t tell her about what I was going to do after school. We switched our books and went upstairs. Sarah babbling about this and that, but I wasn’t really listening. I was preparing myself for the ‘’after-school-event’’. I had no idea what to expect, so I prepared myself for absolutely everything. Sarah interupted my thoughts:
‘’Hey, are you even listening to me?’’ she exclaimed.
I nodded quickly but by the time she could say anymore, Britt came up to us.
‘’Hey, you didn’t answer my email. I sent it like, two days ago.’’ She commented.
‘’I don’t think it arrived.’’ I said.
‘’Oh well, would you like to go to the beach today?’’ she asked, all excited. I felt sad to have to let her down again. Why doesn’t she ever give up asking me to do something? I always say no after all. I had to think of another excuse.. The guitar one was pretty good.
‘’I’m sorry, I got guitar lessons today.’’ I lied. She looked away for a moment like trying to find a solution.
‘’Maybe I can come with you.’’ She said with a smile.
‘’No, sorry.’’ I said, and as soon as I’d said it, I walked away. I didn’t feel like having this conversation right now. And then the bell rang and we went to our classes. The schoolday passed quickly. Every next subject passing quicker then the one before and before I knew it, the final bell rang. And at that moment, the nervousness started kicking in. We agreed we’de do it in the musicroom which was on the topfloor. I made my way up the stairs, palms getting sweaty. Once I was in the hallway of the topfloor I could see the musicroom at the end. I started walking slightly slower, making sure I wasn’t early. When I reached the door I took a deep breath and then opened it. My heart skipped a beat once I saw him, sitting at the piano, rearranging his papers. Once he saw me he said,
‘’Hello, student. Have a seat.’’ And he pointed to the chair opposite the piano. I did as I was told and it was silent for a moment, then he looked up at me and smiled. I gave him a shy smile back.
‘’What we’re going to do today is just sing a few songs. Have you practicing your voice and I’ll give you some exercises you can do at home.’’ He said. Then he handed me a few sheets of paper with the lyrics of a few songs on them.
‘’I thought you would might know these.’’ He said looking at them. On top there was Taylor Swift – Forever and Always (piano version), which I knew and it used to be one of my favourite songs. There were a couple more good songs. We startes then and I had more fun then I care to admit. His company was peaceful but hectic at the same time. He had a good sense of humor and he laughes alot. But I learned alot too, he was being very professional. He himself had an amazing voice, but he let most of the singing to me. But time passed quickly and before I knew it the lesson was coming to its end.
''I guess I'll see you next week.'' I said to him.
''I'll still see you in the music classes remember?'' he said with a smile. I forgot about that, and I felt a sign of relief as I realized I would be seeing him soon again.

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  • Carcass


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